
Objective 1: Students will be able to identify and use the prepositions "of," "in," and "by" in sentences.

    Objective 2: Students will be able to demonstrate understanding of the concept of prepositions through a project-based independent practice activity.

      National Standards: This lesson aligns with Common Core Standard L.1.1.i: Use frequently occurring prepositions.

        Materials: Whiteboard, markers, pictures depicting prepositions, sentence strips, arts and craft materials for project-based independent practice activity.

          Warm-up: Show students pictures depicting different prepositions and ask them to describe what they see using prepositions. For example, "Where is the cat in the picture?" or "What is on the table?"

            Direct Instruction: Introduce the concept of prepositions by explaining that prepositions are words that show the relationship between a noun or pronoun and other words in a sentence. Write the prepositions "of," "in," and "by" on the board and give examples of how they are used in sentences.

              Guided Practice: Have students participate in an active learning strategy by playing a game where they have to physically demonstrate the prepositions "of," "in," and "by" in different scenarios. For example, have students stand "in" a circle, hold a toy "by" its handle, or be part "of" a group.

                Independent Practice: For the project-based independent practice activity, students will create a short story or a picture book using the prepositions "of," "in," and "by." They can use sentence strips and pictures to illustrate their story or book.

                  Closure: To close the lesson, have students share their stories or picture books with the class. Ask students to identify the prepositions used in their stories and discuss how they showed the relationships between the nouns and other words in their sentences.

                    Assessment: Assess students' understanding of prepositions by observing their participation in the guided practice activity and reviewing their completed project-based independent practice activity.

                      Differentiation for students with special needs:

                      • Provide visual aids and cues to help students with special needs understand the concept of prepositions.
                      • Offer hands-on manipulatives or tactile materials for students who may benefit from a kinesthetic learning approach.
                      • Break down tasks into smaller steps and provide additional guidance and support as needed.
                      • Allow for extended time or modified expectations for the independent practice activity to accommodate students with special needs.
                      • Provide additional support and reinforcement through one-on-one or small group instruction if necessary.

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