Entering And Leaving The Classroom; Getting To Know You Worksheets; Establishing Level Of Reading And Comprehension; Basic Classroom Procedures Lesson Plan for 6th Grade Example Students

Topic: Entering and leaving the classroom; getting to know you worksheets; establishing level of reading and comprehension; basic classroom procedures

Objectives & Outcomes

  • Students will be able to enter and exit the classroom in a safe and orderly manner.
  • Students will be able to complete getting to know you worksheets.
  • Students will be able to demonstrate basic comprehension skills and understanding.


  • Copies of getting to know you worksheets
  • Pencils
  • Whiteboards or chalkboard
  • Markers or colored pencils


  • Ask students to share their name and a favorite hobby or subject. Write their names on the board and add a short descriptor of their hobby or subject.
  • Ask students to share what they learned from the warm-up.

Direct Instruction

  • Introduce the concept of entering and leaving the classroom and getting to know you worksheets. Explain that these activities are meant to help the class get to know each other and establish a sense of classroom procedures.
  • Demonstrate how to enter the classroom and find a seat.
  • Explain the purpose of getting to know you worksheets and how to complete them.
  • Introduce the basic classroom procedures (e.g. hand-raising, raising hand, raising hand to speak, raising hand to go to the bathroom, etc.).

Guided Practice

  • Have students work in pairs to complete their getting to know you worksheets. As they work, circulate the room to provide support and answer any questions.
  • During this time, also have students complete the entry and exit checklist on the board. As students complete their worksheets, have them check off the appropriate box(es) on the checklist.
  • After a few minutes, gather the class together and have students share their completed worksheets with their pairs. Encourage students to ask questions and comment on each other's answers.

Independent Practice

  • For independent practice, have students work on a basic classroom procedures worksheet. This worksheet can include items such as: taking turns, raising hands, using vocabulary appropriately, and paying attention.
  • Have students complete the worksheet individually or in pairs. As they work, circulate the room to provide support and answer any questions.
  • After a few minutes, gather the class together and have students share their completed worksheets with their peers. Encourage students to ask questions and comment on each other's answers.


  • To wrap up the lesson, review the objectives and ask students to share one thing they learned during independent practice.


  • Check each student's worksheet for basic understanding of entering and leaving the classroom and getting to know you. Use the checklist to evaluate comprehension of the material covered during the lesson.
  • Hold a brief oral assessment to check for understanding and make sure all students completed the practice worksheets.

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