6th Grade Desarrollo De Comprension Lectora Lesson Plan

Topic: Developing Reading Comprehension Skills

Objectives & Outcomes

  • Logar que los alumnos logren la comprension lectora de diferentes tipos de textos como poesia, fabulas, historias, cuentos.
  • Asi mismo logren la identificacion de las diferentes partes de un texto.


  • Different types of texts such as poetry, fables, stories, and poems
  • Pen and paper for each student


  • Have the students close their eyes and think of a story that they have heard or read before.
  • Ask them to share their story with a neighbor.
  • Ask the students if they were able to understand the story, and if there were any parts that they didn't understand.
  • Explain to the students that when we read, sometimes we may not understand every part of the story, so it's important to ask questions if something is confusing.

Direct Instruction

  • Review the different parts of a story (introduction, main characters, plot, resolution).
  • Have the students work with a partner to complete a graphic organizer for a story that they have read or heard before.
  • Have the students work with a new partner to listen to a story and identify the different parts using the graphic organizer.

Guided Practice

  • Demonstrate how to read a story and identify the different parts using the graphic organizer.
  • As a class, read a story and use the graphic organizer to identify the different parts.
  • As a class, have the students work in pairs to complete a graphic organizer for a different story.

Independent Practice

  • Have the students select a story to read on their own.
  • Have the students complete a graphic organizer for the story they have selected.
  • Encourage the students to discuss their thoughts on the story and how the graphic organizer helped them understand the different parts.


  • Review the objectives for the lesson.
  • Ask the students to share their thoughts on the activity and how it helped them understand the different parts of a text.
  • Remind the students of the importance of understanding the different parts of a text in order to better understand the overall meaning.


  • Observe the students during the guided and independent practice activities to assess their understanding of the different parts of a text.
  • Collect and review the students' completed pages of the Venn diagram to evaluate their understanding of the different parts of a text.

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