6th Grade Integers And Their Representation On A Number Line Lesson Plan (Math)

Topic: Integers and their representation on a number line

Objectives & Outcomes

  • Students will be able to identify and name integers and represent them on a number line.


  • Number lines
  • Working knowledge of integers
  • Calculators (optional)


  • Review what integers are and their basic properties (e.g. they are whole numbers, they cannot be negative, they can be positive or zero)

Direct Instruction

  • Introduce the concept of a number line and explain how it is used to represent integers
  • Show students how to mark integers on a number line using a marker or chalk
  • Demonstrate how to find the absolute value of an integer by finding the distance between the number and 0 on the number line
  • Explain how to find the opposite of an integer by finding the opposite number on the number line
  • Show students how to find the difference of two integers by finding the distance between the two numbers on the number line
  • Explain how to find the multiplicative inverse of an integer by dividing the integer by the multiplicative inverse of itself
  • Show students how to use their knowledge of integers to solve word problems involving integers
  • Use examples involving small and large integers to illustrate how to use the above techniques on a real-world problem
  • Ask students to share their own word problems that involve integers and how they would solve them

Guided Practice

  • Divide the class into small groups and provide each group with a set of word problems involving integers
  • Have students work together to solve the word problems and check their answers using the techniques learned in the direct instruction
  • Have each group present their solutions to the class

Independent Practice

  • Have students work on a project-based activity in which they must use integers to represent real-life situations
  • For example, students could be given a set of measurements (e.g. 7 feet, 2 inches; 11 meters; etc.) and tasked with representing these measurements using integers (e.g. 7=7, 11=11, etc.)
  • Provide students with a rubric to evaluate their work


  • Review the concepts and skills covered during the lesson
  • Ask students to share their projects and discuss any challenges they faced and how they were overcome


  • Observe students during independent practice to ensure they are using the skills taught during the lesson
  • Evaluate the projects and presentations for understanding of the material
  • Use a quiz or worksheet to assess understanding of the material covered in the lesson

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