Free Romeo And Juliet Lesson Plan for 6th Grade Students

Topic: Reading Comprehension

Objectives & Outcomes

  • Students will be able to understand the main ideas and key details in a literary work by reading closely and asking questions.


  • A copy of Shakespeare's "Romeo and Juliet" for each student
  • Note cards for each student
  • Pencils and erasers


  • Ask students to think about their favorite movie or book, and explain why they like it.
  • As a class, brainstorm a list of interesting and difficult words that they might encounter when reading literature.
  • Randomly select a word from the list and have a student explain to the class what it means and how they might use it while reading.

Direct Instruction

  • Introduce the novel "Romeo and Juliet" by William Shakespeare, and provide a brief overview of the main characters and plot.
  • Explain the importance of reading closely and paying attention to detail when reading literature, and provide some strategies for doing so (e.g. making note of key words and phrases, re-reading to understand the overall narrative).
  • Discuss the list of interesting and difficult words that the class brainstormed earlier, and explain how they might be used while reading "Romeo and Juliet".

Guided Practice

  • Provide the class with copies of the novel and have them begin reading independently.
  • Throughout the reading process, provide support and guidance by asking questions, providing definitions for difficult words, and discussing the narrative and characters.
  • Encourage the class to use the strategies for close reading and careful attention to detail that were discussed earlier.
  • At the end of the reading period, have the class re-convene to share their thoughts and reactions to the novel.

Independent Practice

  • Have the class continue reading the novel independently, completing the assigned chapters and working toward completing the entire novel.
  • As they read, encourage the students to use the close reading and vocabulary strategies that were discussed during the guided practice period.
  • Provide additional support and guidance as needed.


  • Have the class come together to share their thoughts and insights about the novel.
  • Ask the students to reflect on what they learned about close reading and vocabulary strategies, as well as what they enjoyed about the novel.


  • Collect the independent practice notebooks to assess the students' understanding of the vocabulary words and their ability to use the words in sentences.
  • Use the class discussion and participation in the -group activities as a form of assessment for the students' understanding of the play and their ability to apply the vocabulary words in a context.

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