6th Grade Convivencia Lesson Plan

Topic: The languages spoken in my family, locality and/or region

Objectives & Outcomes

  • Identify the languages spoken in one's family, locality, and/-or region.
  • Investigate the languages spoken in one's family, locality, and/or region through interviews and printed and electronic sources.
  • Write a text about the results of the investigation, using quotation marks to differentiate words from others and including the references of the consulted sources.
  • Share the results of the investigation.
  • Reflect on the different ways of valuing languages in various contexts and on the possible reasons for this happening.


  • Interviews with family members, neighbors, and/or community members
  • Printed and electronic sources on languages and their valuing in different contexts
  • Note-taking materials (e.g. paper, pen, computer)
  • Writing materials (e.g. paper, computer or word processing software)
  • Reference materials (e.g. dictionaries, encyclopedias, online databases)
  • A computer with internet access or a library with internet access


  • Begin by asking students what languages are spoken in their family, locality, and/or region. Record their responses on the board.
  • Ask students to share any personal experiences they have had related to the valuing of languages in their family, locality, and/or region.
  • Write students' responses on the board.

Direct Introduction

  • Explain that in this activity, students will be investigating the languages that are spoken in their family, locality, and/or region, and writing a text about their findings.
  • Provide students with the handout with guidelines for conducting research and writing a text about their findings.
  • Review the guidelines with the class, answering any questions they may have.

Guided Practice

  • Have students work in pairs or small groups to conduct research on the languages that are spoken in their family, locality, and/or region, using the resources provided (e.g. websites, print materials, interviews).
  • As they conduct their research, have them keep a record of the sources they are using and the information they are finding.
  • Have students present their findings to the class, using the visual aids (e.g. posters) they have created to facilitate their presentation.

Independent Practice

  • Have students write a text about the results of their research, using quotation marks to distinguish their words from those of others, and including the references of the sources consulted.
  • Have students share their written texts with the class and have the class discuss the topics and findings presented.


  • Have students reflect on the different ways that languages can be valued in different contexts, and have them discuss the possible reasons for this.
  • Have students share their thoughts on the topic and discuss the various perspectives and insights that were presented in the activity.


  • Observe students during the group and individual presentations to see if they identify and discuss the different ways that languages can be valued in different contexts, and evaluate the depth and complexity of their explanations.
  • Evaluate the students' use of comillas and their ability to accurately represent the words spoken by others during their group presentations.
  • Evaluate the students' ability to conduct a thorough and accurate research, as well as the quality and relevance of the information they included in their independent presentations.

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