6th Grade Phrases Lesson Plan (English)

Topic: Phrases

Objectives & Outcomes

  • Students will be able to define a phrase and identify its different types.


  • Slides showing examples of phrases (e.g., "running late," "one bite at a time," "walking the dog")
  • Worksheet with definitions and examples of the different types of phrases (e.g., idioms, collocations, conjunctions)


  • Ask students to brainstorm a list of phrases they hear or use frequently. Write their examples on the board.
  • Discuss the different types of phrases that can be found in English, and their meanings and uses.

Direct Instruction

  • Introduce the concept of a phrase as a group of words that function as a single unit and have a specific meaning.
  • Provide examples of different types of phrases, such as noun phrases, verb phrases, and prepositional phrases.
  • Discuss the function of each type of phrase and how it can be used to add meaning and structure to a sentence.

Guided Practice

  • Provide students with a handout containing examples of phrases and have them work in pairs to identify the type of phrase each one is and explain its function in the sentence.
  • Have students share their answers with the class and discuss any differences or questions they have.

Independent Practice

  • For independent practice, have students create a list of phrases that they hear or use in everyday conversation. They can then analyze the function of each phrase and create a short presentation in which they explain the meaning and usage of each one.


  • To conclude the lesson, review the definition and examples of phrases presented earlier in the lesson.
  • Encourage students to share any phrases they found interesting or that they would like to learn more about.


  • Observe students during the independent practice activity to assess their understanding of the concepts presented in the lesson.
  • Collect and review the phrases created by students during the independent practice activity to assess their understanding of the concept of closure.
  • Administer a quiz or written assessment to assess students' understanding of the concept of closure and their ability to identify and create phrases in English.

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