Personal Narrative

Topic:Personal Narrative

Objectives & Outcomes

  • Students will be able to write a personal narrative about a meaningful experience using sensory details.
  • Students will be able to listen attentively and recall important details from the read aloud.


  • Copies of Memoirs of a Goldfish by Devin Scillian
  • Writing paper
  • Pencils


  • Ask students if they have ever had a memorable experience.
  • Have them share their experiences with a partner.
  • Ask them to remember the details of the experience and how they felt.

Direct Instruction

  • Introduce the concept of a personal narrative.
  • Explain that a personal narrative is a type of writing that tells a story about a memorable experience.
  • Read the read aloud Memoirs of a Goldfish by Devin Scillian.
  • Ask students to listen for the main idea and key details of the personal narrative.
  • After reading, discuss the main ideas and details of the personal narrative with the class.

Guided Practice

  • Divide the class into small groups.
  • Have each group choose a member to write a personal narrative about a memorable experience of their own.
  • Have each group member brainstorm ideas for their narrative and write a rough draft on paper.
  • Have each group share their rough drafts with the class and provide feedback and support.
  • Have each group member revise their rough drafts into a final draft.

Independent Practice

  • Have students choose a topic for their personal narrative and write it independently.
  • Encourage students to use descriptive language and interesting details to make their narrative interesting and engaging.


  • Have students share their personal narratives with the class.
  • Encourage students to use expressive language and gestures to bring their narratives to life.


  • Observe students during the guided practice and independent practice activities to evaluate their ability to write a personal narrative.
  • Collect and review students' written personal narratives to assess their understanding of the concept.

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