
Topic: Nouns


    1. Students will be able to define a noun and identify nouns in a sentence.

      2. Students will be able to explain the purpose of using nouns in writing.

        National Standards:

        • Common Core State Standards for 5th grade English Language Arts: CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.L.5.1.B, CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.L.5.1.C


        • Whiteboard and markers
        • Sentence strips
        • Examples of sentences with different types of nouns
        • Blank paper and pencils
        • Project supplies for independent practice


          Ask students: "What is a noun? Why do you think nouns are important in writing?"

            Direct Instruction:

              1. Define a noun as a word that names a person, place, thing, or idea.

                2. Explain that nouns are important in writing because they help us identify and describe people, places, things, and ideas in a clear and specific way.

                  3. Give examples of different types of nouns (common nouns, proper nouns, concrete nouns, abstract nouns).

                    4. Model how to identify nouns in a sentence by underlining them.

                      5. Discuss why using specific nouns can make writing more interesting and engaging.

                        Guided Practice:

                          1. Divide students into small groups and give each group a sentence strip with a sentence on it.

                            2. Ask students to identify and underline the nouns in the sentence.

                              3. Have each group share their sentence and discuss the nouns they identified.

                                4. Have students explain why each noun is important in the sentence and how it helps to convey meaning.

                                  Independent Practice:

                                    1. Have students work individually or in pairs to create a project (e.g. a poster, a short story, a comic strip) that uses specific nouns to describe a scene or tell a story.

                                      2. Encourage students to be creative and use a variety of nouns to make their project interesting and engaging.


                                          Have students share their projects with the class and explain their choices of nouns. Ask students to reflect on how using specific nouns can enhance their writing.


                                              Assess students based on their ability to identify and explain the purpose of nouns in writing during the guided practice and independent practice activities.

                                                Differentiation for Students with Special Needs:

                                                  1. Provide visual supports and cues for students who may struggle with identifying nouns.

                                                    2. Offer simplified sentences or sentence starters for students who may have difficulty with writing.

                                                      3. Allow for extra time and support for students who may need additional assistance with the project-based independent practice.

                                                        4. Provide options for students to work in a small group with a peer tutor or teacher aide for additional support.

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