6th Grade Notice Writing Lesson Plan (English)

Topic: Notice writing

Objectives & Outcomes

  • By the end of this lesson, students will be able to write a notice that informs the public about a new law or regulation.


  • News articles about new laws or regulations
  • Copies of the writing prompt for each student
  • Pencils and paper for each student


  • Ask the students if they have ever heard of a new law or regulation being announced.
  • Ask them to share examples of laws or regulations that they are familiar with.
  • Write the names of the laws or regulations on the board.
  • Ask the students to brainstorm a list of questions that might be asked about a new law or regulation (e.g. What is it about? Who does it affect? How does it work? When does it take effect?).

Direct Instruction

  • Explain that a notice is a written announcement about a new law or regulation.
  • Ask the students to brainstorm a list of important information that should be included in a notice (e.g. who the law or regulation affects, when it takes effect, what the law or regulation is about).
  • Model how to write a draft of a notice, including the important information and formatting it appropriately (e.g. using headlines, bulleted lists, proper grammar and spelling).

Guided Practice

  • Have student pairs work together to write a draft of a notice about a new law or regulation. Provide assistance as needed.

Independent Practice

  • Have students complete the notice using the guidelines you provided during the lesson.


  • Ask students to share their notices with the class and explain why they chose each word.


  • Observe students during independent practice to see if they are choosing appropriate words and structures and constructing their notices correctly.
  • Collect the notices and check them for grammar and spelling errors. -Use the notices as a basis for a class discussion about using appropriate language and avoiding clichés in notices.

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