Free Podcasting Basics Lesson Plan for 6th Grade Students

Topic: podcasting basics

Objectives & Outcomes

  • By the end of the lesson, students will be able to define what a podcast is and how it is different from a radio program.
  • Students will be able to plan a podcast based on the information they have researched.


  • Computer with internet access for each student
  • Audio recording device (such as a microphone) for each student


  • Ask students if they have ever listened to a radio program before.
  • Ask students if they know what makes a radio program different from other types of media, such as television or websites.
  • Write the words radio program on the board and ask students to brainstorm what they think are the differences.
  • Post the words on the board and ask students to discuss their ideas.

Direct Instruction

  • Introduce the concept of podcasting and explain that it is a type of radio program that can be listened to online or downloaded as a file.
  • Explain that a podcast is made up of audio or video content recorded and edited together, and that it can be on any topic or subject.
  • Show students examples of different types of podcasts and explain the purpose of each one.
  • Discuss the planning process for a podcast, including researching a topic, recording the content, and editing the audio or video.

Guided Practice

  • Have students work in small groups to brainstorm potential topics for their own podcasts and gather materials to research them.
  • Have each group create a sketch of their podcast plan, including a title, a brief description, and a list of topics they will research.
  • Have student groups present their podcasts to the class and ask for feedback on their plans.

Independent Practice

  • Have students work individually or in small groups to complete their podcasts, following their plans and using the materials they have gathered.
  • Encourage students to use their podcasts to share their knowledge with the class by including interesting facts, information, or stories in their podcasts.


  • Have students share their podcasts with the class, explaining what they learned and what they hoped to share in their podcasts.
  • Review the steps for creating a podcast and the importance of planning ahead to make the most of the recording time.


  • Observe students during the process-based independent practice and provide feedback on their planning and podcasting skills.
  • Have students turn in their podcasts, including a written reflection on what they learned and what they hope to share with their classmates.

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