Free Lesson 1: Introduction To Business Lesson Plan for 6th Grade Students

Topic: Introduction to Business

Objectives & Outcomes

  • By the end of this lesson, students will be able to define business and understand the different types of businesses and their functions.


  • Computers with internet access
  • Handouts with definitions and examples of different types of businesses (e.g. retail, service, manufacturing)


  • Ask students to brainstorm a list of words that describe different types of places or organizations that they might visit or deal with on a regular basis (e.g. school, hospital, library, amusement park).
  • Write their words on the board and discuss the different types of places or organizations that they mentioned.
  • Ask them if they have ever considered the people or organizations that make these places or organizations happen and how they make a living.Introduce the concept of business and entrepreneurship.

Direct Instruction

  • Review the list of words that students brainstormed and discuss the different types of businesses or organizations that they described.
  • Discuss the different roles or responsibilities that are involved in running a business or organization, and how these roles relate to the overall goal of making a profit.
  • Explain the importance of planning and decision-making in business, and the importance of thinking about the needs of the customers or clients.
  • Introduce the concept of entrepreneurship and explain how an entrepreneur is someone who starts a business or organization and takes on the risk of being an entrepreneur to try to create a successful business.

Interactive/Guided Practice

  • Have students work in small groups to brainstorm and create a list of things that they think a successful business needs to have.
  • Have each group share their list with the class and discuss any similarities or differences.
  • Review the list of things that the class came up with and discuss how each item on the list contributes to the overall goal of making a profit.
  • Have students think about a business or organization that they would like to start someday, and have them think about the different roles or responsibilities that they would play in their business.
  • Have students share their ideas with the class and discuss any plans or strategies that they have for achieving success with their business.

Independent Practice

  • Have students choose one of the roles or responsibilities that they talked about in the previous activity and create a short business plan for their chosen role. -The business plan should include a description of the role that they have chosen, as well as a plan for achieving success in that role.
  • Have students present their business plans to the class and answer any questions that the class might have.


  • Review the main points of the lesson with the students: -the importance of business and entrepreneurship in society -the different roles and responsibilities that are involved in business -the components of a business plan


  • Observe the students during their independent practice to see if they are able to complete the task and follow the instructions. -Collect and review the business plans that the students have created to assess their understanding of the concept of business and their ability to use business terminology and create a simple business plan.

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