Free 6th Grade El Arte Inlfluye En El Aprendizaje Lesson Plan

Topic: El arte influye en el aprendizaje

Topic: El arte influye en el aprendizaje

Objectives & Outcomes

  • Students will be able to understand how art can influence their learning.


  • Images of different types of art
  • Computers with internet access
  • Handouts with art examples and questions for discussion


  • Begin the lesson by asking students what they know about art. Ask them to share their favorite pieces of art and why they like them.

Master the concept of art as a way of expressing ideas and feelings in a creative and imaginative way.

Direct Instruction

  • Introduce the concept of how art can influence learning. Explain that art can stimulate the imagination and encourage creativity, both essential elements in learning.
  • Explain that different types of art can have different effects on the brain. For example, painting can stimulate the right side of the brain, which is associated with creativity and visual thinking, while sculpture can stimulate the left side of the brain, which is associated with logic and reasoning.
  • Show students examples of different types of art and how they can be thought of as tools for learning. For example, a painting of a person's face can help a child learn how to recognize their own features, while a sculpture of a human figure can help a child understand the proper proportions of the body.

Guided Practice

  • Divide students into small groups and give each group a different type of art to work with.
  • Have the students practice using the art as a tool for learning, by creating a project that highlights a learning concept that they have been taught. For example, a group working with painting could create a work of art that shows the correct proportions of the human body, while a group working with sculpture could create a sculpture that represents the five senses.
  • Encourage the students to think about how the art they are using is helping them learn the concept they have been tasked with.

Independent Practice

  • For their independent practice, have the students create their own project using art as a tool for learning. This could be a poster, a presentation, or another type of project that they come up with.
  • Encourage the students to use their learning from the class to create their project.


  • Have the students share their project with the class and explain how they used art to learn and understand the concepts covered in the class.
  • Review the importance of using art as a tool for learning and discuss how it can help students understand lessons better.


  • Assess the students' projects and presentations to see if they have understood the concepts of the class and demonstrate an understanding of the importance of art in learning.

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