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Create a map of the physical geographic regions of the united states. The map should include labels for major urban areas, rivers, and major landforms along with the map elements, such as a compass rose and legend. On the map draw a textbox for each region of the united states. In the text box list the physical characteristic that distinguish that region.
Locate on a map physical features that impacted the exploration and settlement of the Americas, including ocean currents, prevailing winds, large forests, major rivers, and significant mountain ranges.
determine the economic and cultural impact of exploration
What are the causes that led to the American Revolution
Population shifts
Students describe the major pre-Columbian settlements, including the cliff dwellers and pueblo people of the desert Southwest, the American Indians of the Pacific Northwest, the nomadic nations of the Great Plains, and the woodland peoples east of the Mississippi River.
cilimaatic regions of the world
Description of the site of Egypt ,Knowledge of the geographical and astronomical location of Egypt,Find out what distinguishes the site of Egypt and its area And knowledge of longitude and latitude The main longitude and the main latitude and its degree Knowledge of the impact of Egypt's location and climate on the population Knowing the coordinates of Egypt's location in relation to latitude and longitude Know the importance of longitude and latitude
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