Free 5th Grade Vertebrates And Invertebrates Lesson Plan (Science)

Topic: Distinguishing between vertebrates and invertebrates and describing traits common to all invertebrates

Objectives & Outcomes

  • Students will be able to distinguish between vertebrates and invertebrates and describe traits common to all invertebrates.


  • Images of vertebrates and invertebrates (e.g. fish, frog, cat, squid, clam)
  • Handouts with definitions of vertebrates and invertebrates and a list of common traits of invertebrates


  • Begin the class by showing a few images of vertebrates and invertebrates and asking students to share what they notice about each image.
  • Then, ask them to share any prior knowledge they have about vertebrates and invertebrates.

Direct Instruction

  • Define vertebrates and invertebrates, and give examples of each.
  • Discuss the differences between vertebrates and invertebrates, such as their body structures and ways of locomotion.
  • Explain the characteristics common to all invertebrates, such as their lack of a vertebral column and their exoskeletons.

Guided Practice

  • Have students work in pairs to compare and contrast a vertebrate and an invertebrate described in the lesson.
  • Have them write a short paragraph describing the similarities and differences between the two organisms.

Independent Practice

  • Have students choose one vertebrate and one invertebrate to research in more detail.
  • Have them create a poster or presentation to share with the class their findings on the biology, behavior, and habitat of their chosen organisms.


  • Review the key characteristics that distinguish vertebrates from invertebrates.
  • Discuss the importance of studying both vertebrates and invertebrates in the context of biodiversity and ecological
  • systems.


  • Use the chart to assess student progress in distinguishing between vertebrates and invertebrates.
  • Use the Venn diagram and group activity to assess student understanding of the traits common to all
  • invertebrates.
  • Use the independent practice activity to assess student ability to describe the traits common to all
  • invertebrates.

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