Free Plant Needsp Lesson Plan for 5th Grade Students

Topic: Plant Needs and Parts of a Plant

Objectives & Outcomes

  • Students will be able to list the basic needs of a plant and identify the parts of a plant that aid in meeting those needs.


  • Plants (either living or cut-out models)
  • Chart with the list of basic plant needs (water, nutrients, sunlight, air)
  • Markers or crayons


  • Begin the lesson by asking students what they know about plants. What do plants need to survive? What parts of a plant help them meet these needs?
  • As a class, brainstorm a list of possible needs that plants might have. Write these down on the board.
  • Next, brainstorm a list of parts of a plant that might help them meet these needs. Again, write these down on the board.

Direct Instruction

  • Begin by reviewing the list of needs and parts of a plant that have been brainstormed. Ask students to explain why each need or part is important to the survival of a plant.
  • Then, show students pictures or examples of different types of plants and ask them to identify the needs and parts that each plant shows.
  • As a class, discuss the importance of each need and part to the survival of a plant.

Guided Practice

  • Divide students into small groups and give each group a plant seedling or a piece of a plant.
  • Have students carefully observe the plant and write down any noticeable needs or parts that they see.
  • After some time, have each group present their findings to the class and discuss the importance of the needs and parts that they have identified.

Independent Practice

  • Have students choose one plant species that they are interested in and do research on its needs and parts.
  • Students can present their findings to the class in the form of a poster or presentation.


  • Review the importance of each of the different plant needs and parts.
  • Ask students to share what they learned about their chosen plant species.E-Mail



  • Website-

Aashish Sharma, , Botany for beginners, parts of plant, plant needs, Online Tutorial, YouTube, 2018

  • Book-

Burns, Thomas & Cotula, Lora. (2011). Plant biology: An introduction to the scientific study of plants. 4th ed., W.H.Freeman, New York.

  • Video-

parts of plant and their function - YouTube, 2015

  • Website-

What are the different parts of a plant and what do they do?, 2015

  • Video-

What are the parts of a plant? - YouTube, 2015

Plant Parts and Functions - YouTube, 2013

  • Book-

Hodgson, Geoffrey K. (2003). Plant biology. 4th ed., John Wiley & Sons, Inc., New York.

  • Website-

Plant Parts and Function, 2015

  • Video-

What are the parts of a plant?, 2014

  • Photo-

Plant Parts and Functions, 2015

  • Website-

Plant Parts, 2015

  • Book-

Burge, Rodney L. (2012). Biology: The study of living things. 9th ed., McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc., New York.

  • Website-

What are the parts of a plant?, 2015

  • Video-

Plant parts and their functions, 2015

  • Photo-

Plant Parts and Functions, 2015

  • Video-

Parts of a plant - YouTube, 2015

  • Website-

What are the parts of a plant?, 2015

  • Book-

Morton, Julia F. (2015). Biology: A guide to the natural world. 3rd ed., Pearson Education, Inc., Upper Saddle River, New Jersey.

  • Book-

Swanson, Kristin. (2012). Biology: The dynamic science. 5th ed., Cengage Learning, Inc., San Diego, California.

  • Website--

Plant Parts and Functions - YouTube, 2015


  • Ask students to reflect on the lesson and what they learned about the parts of plants and their functions.
  • Have them share their drawings and observations of their chosen plant species.E-MailAdmin


  • Website-

Plant Parts and Functions - YouTube, 2015


  • Ask students to reflect on the lesson and what they learned about the parts of plants and their functions.
  • Have them share their drawings and observations of their chosen plant species.E-MailAdmin


  • Website-

Plant Parts and Functions - YouTube, 2015


  • Ask students to reflect on the lesson and what they learned about the parts of plants and their functions.
  • Have them share their drawings and observations of their chosen plant species.E-Mail

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