5th Grade Plant Needs Lesson Plan

Topic: Plant Needs

Objectives & Outcomes

  • Students will understand the importance of sunlight, water, air, and soil for plant growth.


  • Plants (pots or soil)
  • Sunlight lamp or sunny window
  • Stopwatch or clock
  • Watering can or water bottle
  • Paper towels or napkins
  • Air purifier (optional)


  • Begin the lesson by asking students what they know about plants. Write their responses on the board.
  • Next, ask students to share some examples of plants they see around them every day (trees, grass, flowers).
  • Ask students if they know how plants get the nutrients they need to grow.

Direct Instruction

  • Introduce the concept of the four essential nutrients that plants need to grow: sunlight, water, air, and soil.
  • Show students pictures of different types of plants and discuss the unique environmental conditions that each type of plant needs to grow and thrive.
  • For example, some plants need a lot of sunlight, while others need shade. Some plants need a lot of water, while others need less.
  • Emphasize the importance of these environmental conditions for plant growth.

Guided Practice

  • Have students work in pairs to research and discuss the environmental conditions that a specific type of plant needs to grow and thrive.
  • Have students present their findings to the class and discuss any differences or similarities between the different types of plants.

Independent Practice

  • Have students choose a type of plant and draw a picture of it.
  • Have students label the parts of the plant that receive sunlight, water, and air, and explain how these elements support the plant's growth and health.
  • Have students write a short paragraph about how the plant's needs are met in its natural environment.


  • Review the importance of sunlight, water, air, and soil for plant growth and health.
  • Ask students to share their drawings and explanations with the class.
  • Remind students that these elements are also needed for human survival, and that we depend on plants for many of the things we need.


  • Observe students during the guided and independent practice activities to assess their understanding of the importance of sunlight, water, air, and soil for plant growth and health.
  • Collect and review their drawings and explanations to assess their understanding of the relationship between the elements and plant growth and health.

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