Free 5th Grade Liquid Density Lesson Plan

Topic: Density of Liquids

Objectives & Outcomes

  • Students will be able to identify liquids with the most density.
  • By mixing the different luquids together, students will be able to label and draw a picture in the learning journal that indicates which liquids are more dense compared to those that are less dense.


  • Different types of liquids such as water, oil, soap, alcohol, etc.
  • Measuring cups
  • Plates or containers for mixing
  • Markers or crayons for drawing


  • Students will be split into small groups of 3-4.
  • Each group will be given a set of different liquids and a measuring cup.
  • Students will measure out different amounts of each liquid and then pour them into a plate or container.
  • Students will then use their senses to identify which liquids are more dense and which are less dense. (e.g. touch the liquids, smell the liquids, taste the liquids)
  • After the students have finished, they will share their findings with the class.

Direct Instruction

  • The teacher will introduce the concept of liquid density, explaining that liquids with a higher density are heavier and sink to the bottom, while liquids with a lower density are lighter and float to the top.
  • The teacher will then provide a demonstration of mixing different liquids together to show that they will separate into layers depending on their density.
  • The teacher will provide the students with a set of different liquids and a measuring cup.
  • The students will measure out different amounts of each liquid and then pour them into a plate or container.
  • The students will then use their senses to identify which liquids are more dense and which are less dense. (e.g. touch the liquids, smell the liquids, taste the liquids)

Guided Practice

  • The teacher will provide the students with a set of different liquids and a measuring cup.
  • The students will measure out different amounts of each liquid and then pour them into a separate container.
  • The students will then use their senses to identify which liquids are more dense and which are less dense. (e.g. touch the liquids, smell the liquids, taste the liquids)
  • The students will mix the different liquids together and observe their reactions.
  • The students will use their knowledge of density to identify which liquids are more dense and which are less dense.

Independent Practice

  • The students will work in pairs or small groups to create a mixed solution of different liquids.
  • The students will record the name of each liquid and the amount used.
  • The students will use their knowledge of density to identify which liquids are more dense and which are less dense.
  • The students will label a graph and draw a picture in their learning journal that indicates which liquids are more dense compared to those that are less dense.


  • The students will share their mixed solutions and their graphs and drawings with the class.
  • The class will discuss the results and compare them to their own findings.


  • Observe the students as they mix the liquids together and give feedback on their technique and accuracy.
  • Collect the students' mixed solutions and graphs and drawings and use them to assess their understanding of which liquids are more dense and which are less dense.

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