5th Grade Do Worms Eat Dirt? Lesson Plan (Science)

Topic: Do worms eat dirt?

Objectives & Outcomes

  • Students will be able to explain whether worms eat dirt and why or why not.


  • Small containers with dirt or soil
  • Worms
  • Water
  • Food such as vegetables or fruit (optional)


  • Ask students if they have ever seen a worm before.
  • Ask them to describe what the worm looks like and what it does.
  • Ask if they know if worms eat dirt or not.

Direct Instruction

  • Tell students that today they are going to learn more about worms and whether or not they eat dirt.
  • Explain that worms are actually not worms at all, but are actually worms.
  • Worms are small, soft creatures that live underground and eat soil and dirt.
  • Worms have a body divided into three parts: a head, a middle section called the body, and a tail.
  • The head has sensory organs called eyes and a mouth.
  • The body is where the organs are located, including the heart, digestive system, and reproductive organs.
  • The tail is used for movement and protection.
  • Worms eat soil and dirt because they need the nutrients in the soil to survive.
  • Worms help to break down and improve the quality of the soil.
  • Worms can be found in most parts of the world, except for the polar regions.
  • Worms can live in soil that is not too dry or too wet.
  • Worms can be found in gardens, fields, and forests.

Guided Practice

  • Provide each group of students with a worm or other small, soft creature, such as a caterpillar or snail.
  • Ask the students to observe the creature and identify the three parts of the body, including the head, body, and tail.
  • Ask the students to identify the sensory organs, such as the eyes and mouth, on the head.
  • Ask the students to identify the organs located in the body, such as the heart, digestive system, and reproductive organs.
  • Ask the students to identify the tail and how it is used for movement and protection.
  • Ask the students to identify the food source and habitat of the creature.
  • Allow the students to ask questions about the creature and continue to explore it.

Independent Practice

  • Provide each student with a small container with soil and a few small worms or other small, soft creatures.
  • Ask the students to observe the worms or other creatures and answer the following questions:
  • Do worms eat dirt? (No, worms do not eat dirt.)
  • What do worms eat? (Worms eat dead or decaying matter.)
  • Where do worms live? (Worms live in soil and other damp, dark places.)
  • How do worms protect themselves? (Worms protect themselves with their tails.)
  • Encourage the students to use their observations to draw a picture of the worms or other creatures and include information about their behavior and habits in their drawings.


  • Ask the students to share their drawings with the class and explain the information they included.
  • Discuss the importance of worms in the environment and how they help to break down dead or decaying matter.


  • Observe the students during the sorting activity and discuss their reasoning for classifying the animals as either predators or prey.
  • Evaluate the students' drawings for accuracy and detail.
  • Ask the students to explain the importance of worms in the environment and how they help to break down dead or decaying matter.

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