5th Grade Do Plants Need Soil? Lesson Plan

Topic: Do plants need soil to grow?

Objectives & Outcomes

  • Students will be able to explain whether plants need soil to grow and give examples of plants that do and do not require soil to grow.


  • Freshly cut stems of plants (such as carrots, celery, or broccoli)
  • Water
  • Jar or container
  • Sunlight or classroom lamp


  • Ask students if they have ever seen a plant grow before.
  • Ask them to describe how the plant grows.
  • Ask them if they know what allows plants to grow.
  • Write soil on the board. Presentation
  • Tell students that today they will be learning about soil, which is a substance that allows plants to grow.
  • Ask them if they know what soil is and if plants need it to grow.


  • Gather various types of plants, such as a seedling, a houseplant, and a plant that has just been transplanted.
  • Show students the different types of soil that you have prepared (such as water, fertilizer, and compost).
  • Explain to students that soil can come in different forms and that plants need different types of soil to grow.
  • For example, water is needed for the plants to survive, while fertilizer promotes growth and compost helps the soil to become healthier.

Guided Practice

  • Have students work in pairs to observe and record which type of siol each of the plants is receiving.
  • Have them use the chart to record their observations.

Independent Practice

  • Have students use the materials and the procedure to grow their own bean seeds, using a different type of soil for each plant.
  • Encourage them to pay close attention to their plants and record their observations on the growth of each plant.


  • Have students share their observations and ask questions.
  • Review the importance of soil in the growth of plants and discuss any additional questions they have.


  • Observe students during the guided practice and independent practice activities to assess their understanding of the concept.
  • Collect and review their completed work to assess their ability to apply their understanding of the concept in a real-world situation.

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