5th Grade Fitness Goals Lesson Plan

Topic: Writing a fitness goal

Objectives & Outcomes

  • By the end of this lesson, students will be able to write a realistic and measurable fitness goal based on their fitness data.


  • Online fitness tracker (such as MyFitnessPal)
  • Pen and paper


  • Ask students to share their fitness goals for the new year.
  • Ask students what factors they consider when setting a fitness goal, such as time frame, frequency, and difficulty.

Direct Instruction

  • Explain that writing a fitness goal is an important step in achieving physical fitness.
  • Introduce the concept of setting SMART goals.
  • SMART stands for Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic, and Time-bound.
  • Explain that a fitness goal should be specific, meaning that it is clearly defined and describes what you want to achieve.
  • A fitness goal should be measurable, meaning that it can be tracked and measured against progress.
  • Achievable means that the goal is realistic and within reach.
  • Realistic means that the goal is based on your current abilities and circumstances.
  • Time-bound means that the goal has a deadline or time frame for completion.
  • Ask students to brainstorm some fitness goals and apply the SMART goal-writing criteria.

Guided Practice

  • Divide students into small groups and have them share their fitness goals with the group.
  • Have each group apply the SMART goal-writing criteria to their shared goals.
  • Provide feedback and support as needed.

Independent Practice

  • Have students choose one of their shared goals and write it as a SMART goal.
  • Encourage students to hold each other accountable for achieving their goals by assigning a partner to check in with and provide support.


  • Review the key components of a SMART goal and discuss how writing a goal as a SMART goal can help us to achieve our goals more effectively.
  • Have students share their SMART goals with the class and provide support to one another as they work towards achieving their goals.


  • Observe students during the data collection and data analysis stages to ensure that they are using SMART goal-setting and data analysis techniques.
  • Have students turn in their completed fitness plans and SMART goal-setting worksheet as an assessment of their understanding of the lesson.

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