5th Grade Thinking Critically And Creatively Lesson Plan

Topic:Problem-Solving Strategies

Objectives & Outcomes

  • Students will be able to develop, select, and apply problem-solving strategies to solve real-world problems.


  • Examples of real-world problems (e.g. declining population of a species, lack of transportation options for seniors)
  • Handouts with examples of problem-solving strategies (e.g. brainstorming, trial and error, backwards thinking)


  • Ask students to share a problem they are currently facing. As a group, discuss potential solutions and how to evaluate the effectiveness of each option.

Direct Instruction

  • Introduce the concept of problem solving and its importance in the real world.
  • Discuss the different stages of problem solving, including:
  • Identifying the problem: identifying the underlying issue and the key factors that are contributing to the problem
  • Defining possible solutions: brainstorming potential solutions and considering their pros and cons
  • Selecting a solution: evaluating the potential solutions and selecting the most appropriate one
  • Implementing the solution: putting the solution into action and monitoring its effectiveness
  • Explain the different problem-solving strategies, such as:
  • Brainstorming: generating a large number of ideas to consider
  • Critical thinking: evaluating the pros and cons of each solution
  • Problem-solving: taking action to solve the problem
  • Provide examples of each strategy in action and have students share their own examples.

Guided Practice

  • Have students work in pairs to solve a problem using a problem-solving strategy. Provide different problems for students to solve and have them choose one to solve using a specific strategy.
  • Have students present their solution to the class and have the class evaluate their reasoning and the effectiveness of their chosen strategy.

Independent Practice

  • Have students work on a project-based problem-solving activity. Encourage students to use a variety of problem-solving strategies and to evaluate the effectiveness of each strategy.
  • Provide project-based materials such as a poster, model, or presentation for students to use.


  • Have students share their solutions to the problem-solving activity with the class.
  • Discuss the different strategies that students used and how these strategies led to different solutions.


  • Observe students during the problem-solving activity to see if they are using critical thinking skills and creative problem-solving strategies.
  • Collect and review the solutions that students create to assess their understanding of the concept of volume.
  • Have students complete a short reflection journal entry on the problem-solving activity, including what they learned and how they feel they improved their problem-solving skills.

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