Solving Word Problems Lesson Plan for 5th Grade Example Students

Topic:Solving Word Problems Using Addition and Subtraction

Objectives & Outcomes

  • Students will be able to solve word problems using addition and subtraction.


  • Word problems with addition and subtraction problems
  • Pencils and paper for each student


  • Ask students to solve a word problem using addition; for example, "Mary has 12 cookies. Her sister has 3 more than her. How many cookies does her sister have?"
  • Encourage them to use the phrase "add X to Y" to solve the problem, where X is the number of cookies Mary has and Y is the number of cookies her sister has.
  • Ask them to solve a word problem using subtraction; for example, "Jason has 10 cards. He gives away 3. How many cards does he have left?"
  • Encourage them to use the phrase "take away X from Y" to solve the problem, where X is the number of cards Jason has and Y is the number of cards he gives away.

Direct Instruction

  • Introduce the concept of word problems and explain why they are used in real-life situations (e.g. to determine how many cookies to make for a party, how much to buy at the store).
  • Model how to read and interpret a word problem using addition or subtraction.
  • Use the whiteboard or paper to show how to solve a word problem using addition or subtraction, using the phrase "add X to Y" or "take away X from Y" as a guide.
  • Explain how to check the answer to a word problem using addition or subtraction, by making sure the answer makes sense and matches the problem description.

Guided Practice

  • Have students work in pairs to solve a word problem using addition or subtraction.
  • Walk around the room to assist and check for understanding.

Independent Practice

  • Assign a word problem for students to solve using addition or subtraction.
  • Encourage students to use mental math and check their answers using calculators.


  • Ask students to share their solutions to the assigned word problems.
  • Review the steps for solving word problems using addition and subtraction.
  • Ask students to share any strategies they found helpful for solving word problems.


  • Observe students during the guided and independent practice activities to assess their understanding of the steps for solving word problems using addition and subtraction.
  • Collect and review the solutions to the word problems students solved during the independent practice activity to assess their ability to solve word problems using addition and subtraction.

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