Solve Fraction Word Problems Lesson Plan for 5th Grade Example Students

Topic: Solve Fraction Word Problems

Objectives & Outcomes

  • By the end of this lesson, students will be able to solve fraction word problems using the standard algorithm.


  • Fraction cards (one half, one third, one fourth, etc.)
  • Fraction worksheets with fraction word problems


  • Ask students if they have ever seen a fraction before.
  • Ask them to name some fractions they know (e.g. quarter, half).
  • Write the fractions on the board and ask students to match them with the corresponding fraction card.

Direct Instruction

  • Define what a fraction is (a number that is divided into equal parts).
  • Introduce the names of the parts of a fraction (numerator and denominator).
  • Explain that to solve a fraction word problem, we need to identify the fraction and find the matching fraction card.
  • Use some of the problems from the cards to demonstrate how to solve a fraction word problem.

Guided Practice

  • Pass out the fraction cards and fraction word problems.
  • Have students work in pairs to solve the problems.
  • Guide students through the process of identifying the fraction and finding the matching fraction card.
  • As students work, check for accuracy and help as needed.
  • After all the problems have been solved, review the solutions as a class.

Independent Practice

  • Have students choose a fraction word problem to solve on their own.
  • Encourage students to use the process we learned to solve the problem and check their answer for accuracy.
  • Allow time for students to work on their chosen problem.


  • Review the steps for solving fraction word problems.
  • Ask students to share their solution to their chosen problem.
  • Discuss any difficulties or successes students had while solving their problem.


  • Observe students during the guided and independent practice activities to assess their understanding of the steps for solving fraction word problems.
  • Collect and review their solutions to the fraction word problems to assess their ability to solve the problems accurately and effectively.

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