Free 5th Grade Multi Step Word Problems On Addition And Subtraction Lesson Plan (Math)

Topic: Multi step word problems on addition and subtraction

Objectives & Outcomes

  • >Develop the ability to solve multi step word problems on addition and subtraction
  • >Become more confident in solving word problems by breaking them down into smaller, manageable steps


  • >Copies of the word problems for each student
  • >Pencils and paper for each student
  • >Timer or stopwatch


  • Begin the lesson by asking the students to give examples of multi step word problems they have encountered in their previous experiences at school. Write their examples on the board.
  • Next, ask the students to give examples of problems they have encountered that involved addition and subtraction. Write their examples on the board.
  • Review the examples as a class and discuss the different steps that are involved in solving each problem.

Direct Instruction

  • Begin by explaining to the students that multi step word problems can be challenging because they can involve many steps and unknowns.
  • Introduce the concept of using unknowns to help simplify the problem. Explain that when we have a multi step problem, we can use unknowns to make the problem easier to solve.
  • Use the examples from the warm-up to demonstrate how to break a multi step word problem down into smaller steps and how to use unknowns to simplify the problem.
  • Next, introduce the concept of using mental math to help solve multi step word problems.
  • Explain that mental math involves using strategies, such as counting up or down, to quickly and accurately solve a problem without having to write it out.
  • Use the examples from the warm-up to demonstrate how to use mental math to solve a multi step word problem.

Guided Practice

  • Give each student a multi step word problem worksheet with real life situations.
  • Have the students work in pairs and guide them through solving the problems using the concepts and strategies introduced in the direct instruction portion of the lesson.
  • As the students work, circulate around the room to provide support and guidance as needed.

Independent Practice

  • Have the students work on a project-based activity where they solve a series of multi step word problems using the concepts and strategies learned in the lesson.
  • Encourage the students to use their writing skills to clearly explain their solution to each problem.


  • Review the main concepts and strategies covered in the lesson.
  • Ask the students to share any questions or challenges they faced while solving the multi step word problems.


  • Observe the students during the guided and independent practice to see if they are able to solve the multi step word problems accurately and efficiently.
  • Collect and review their completed worksheets or solve mats to assess their understanding of the material covered in the lesson.

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