Free 5th Grade Math Workbook Lesson Plan

Topic: Adding and Subtracting Decimals

Objectives & Outcomes

  • By the end of this lesson, students will be able to add and subtract decimals with a confidence of at least 90%.


  • Whiteboard and markers
  • Handouts with practice problems
  • Calculators (optional)


  • Review Place Value and name the parts of a decimal (e.g. hundredths, tenths, ones).
  • Ask students to give examples of numbers in each place value.
  • Write the following numbers on the board: 0.6, 0.7, 0.8, 0.9, 1.0 and ask students to identify the ones, tenths, hundredths.

Direct Instruction

  • Introduce the concept of matching decimal numbers to their corresponding fractions.
  • Show examples of decimal numbers and their corresponding fractions on the board.
  • Ask students to read the decimal numbers and match them to the corresponding fractions.
  • Explain the rules for matching decimal numbers to their corresponding fractions:
  • The decimal number has to be smaller than or equal to the fraction.
  • The decimal number has to have the same number of digits to the right of the decimal point as the fraction.
  • The decimal number has to end in 0 if the fraction ends in 0.
  • The decimal number can't have a decimal point if the fraction has a decimal point.
  • The decimal number can't have a fractional part if the fraction has a fractional part.
  • The decimal number can't be greater than the fraction.
  • Have students work in pairs to match decimal numbers to their corresponding fractions.

Guided Practice

  • Give each student a worksheet with decimal numbers and fractions.
  • Have students work in pairs to match the decimal numbers to the corresponding fractions.
  • Walk around the classroom to assist students as needed.

Independent Practice

  • Give students a worksheet with decimal numbers and fractions to -Work individually to complete the worksheet.
  • Encourage students to check their answers with a partner before submitting their work.


  • Have students share their completed worksheets with the class.
  • Ask students to identify any challenges they faced while completing the worksheet and how they were able to solve them.


  • Observe students during independent practice to ensure they are able to complete the worksheet without assistance.
  • Evaluate students' completed worksheets to assess their understanding of the concept being learned.

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