Let's Solve Multistep Word Problems

Topic: Let's solve multistep word problems

Objectives & Outcomes

  • By the end of this lesson, students will be able to solve multistep word problems strategically by breaking them down into smaller, manageable steps.


  • Word problems printed on cards
  • Pencils
  • Paper


  • Have students complete a few easy word problems by themselves, encouraging them to write down each step as they solve the problem.
  • As a class, discuss the importance of breaking down word problems into manageable steps and writing them down as you go.

Direct Instruction

  • Introduce the concept of word problems and their purpose in math.
  • Explain the importance of identifying the key information and variables in a word problem.
  • Model how to break down a word problem into manageable steps and how to write them down using proper mathematical notation.
  • Demonstrate how to use the given information and the resulting equations to solve for the unknown variable.

Guided Practice

  • Provide students with a few example word problems and have them work in pairs to solve them.
  • Walk around the room and provide assistance as needed.

Independent Practice

  • Provide students with a worksheet containing word problems for them to solve on their own.
  • Allow enough time for students to work through the problems and check their answers with the provided solutions sheet.
  • Facilitate a class discussion and ask students to share their strategies for solving the word problems.

-Notes to the teacher:

  • When teaching the concept of word problems, it is helpful to have a few examples of authentic word problems from a grade-level appropriate textbook.
  • When introducing the concept of solving for an unknown variable, it may be helpful to have a handout with examples of how to solve for different types of variables (e.g. x, y, z).
  • When introducing the concept of solving for multiple variables, it may be helpful to have a handout with examples of how to solve for multiple variables at once.

Release: October 15, 2015

Author: J.D. Tuccillo, Innovative Teacher Learning Platform, The New York Center for International Mathematics and Science Education, http://www.nycimmse.org/

License: CC BY-NC-SA 4.0

On the website, there are videos on how to teach the concepts. To help students solve the problems on their own, there are word problems for them to work on and solutions to check their work. There is also a class discussion, so that students can share their strategies for solving the problems.

Independent Practice

  • Provide students with a worksheet containing word problems for them to solve on their own.
  • Allow enough time for students to work through the problems and check their answers with the provided solutions sheet.
  • Facilitate a class discussion and ask students to share their strategies for solving the word problems.

-Notes to the teacher:

  • When teaching the concept of word problems, it is helpful to have a few examples of authentic word problems from a grade-level appropriate textbook.
  • When introducing the concept of solving for an unknown variable, it may be helpful to have a handout with examples of how to solve for different types of variables (e.g. x, y, z).
  • When introducing the concept of solving for multiple variables, it may be helpful to have a handout with examples of how to solve for multiple variables at once.
  • For the worksheet, it may be helpful to have a rubric that grades students on their use of strategies to solve the problems.


  • Word problems printed on paper or provided on a computer screen
  • Solution sheet
  • Worksheet
  • Pencils


  • Introduce the lesson by explaining the concept of word problems and giving an example or two.
  • Have students work in pairs to solve the example word problems.
  • Provide assistance as needed.
  • Have students work on the worksheet, either individually or in pairs, and have them solve the problems on their own.
  • Provide assistance as needed.
  • Have students share their strategies for solving the word problems.
  • Facilitate a class discussion.
  • Provide any additional assistance as needed.Independent Practice
  • Provide students with a worksheet containing word problems for them to solve on their own.
  • Allow enough time for students to work through the problems and check their answers with the provided solutions sheet.
  • Facilitate a class discussion and ask students to share their strategies for solving the word problems.
  • Provide any additional assistance as needed.

-Notes to the teacher:

  • When teaching the concept of word problems, it is helpful to have a few examples of authentic word problems from a grade-level appropriate textbook.
  • When introducing the concept of solving for an unknown variable, it may be helpful to have a handout with examples of how to solve for different types of variables (e.g. x, y, z).
  • When introducing the concept of solving for multiple variables, it may be helpful to have a handout with examples of how to solve for multiple variables at once.
  • For the worksheet, it may be helpful to have a rubric that grades students on their use of strategies to solve the problems.

This lesson is designed to help students understand and use formulas to solve word problems. The

main concepts being addressed are the use of variables, the concept of one-step versus multistep problems, and the importance of including all of the necessary information in a problem in order to solve it.

  • Materials:
  • Worksheets containing word problems
  • Pencils
  • Solution sheets
  • Chalkboard or whiteboard
  • Procedure:
  • Introduce the concept of word problems and the importance of including all of the necessary information in a problem in order to solve it.
  • Provide an example problem and have students work in teams to solve it.
  • Facilitate a class discussion and have students share their strategies for solving the problem.
  • Have students work on the worksheets, either individually or in teams, and have them solve the problems on their own.
  • Facilitate a class discussion and have students share their strategies for solving the problems.
  • Provide any additional assistance as needed.Independent Practice
  • Provide students with a worksheet containing word problems for them to solve on their own.
  • Allow enough time for students to work through the problems and check their answers with the provided solutions sheet.
  • Facilitate a class discussion and ask students to share their strategies for solving the word problems.
  • Provide any additional assistance as needed.

-Notes to the teacher:

  • When teaching the concept of word problems, it is helpful to have a few examples of authentic word problems from a grade-level appropriate textbook.
  • When introducing the concept of solving for an unknown variable, it may be helpful to have a handout with examples of how to solve for different types of variables (e.g. x, y, z).
  • When introducing the concept of solving for multiple variables, it may be helpful to have a handout with examples of how to solve for multiple variables at once.
  • For the worksheet, it may be helpful to have a rubric that grades students on their use of strategies to solve the problems.

This lesson is designed to help students understand and use formulas to solve word problems. Themain concepts being addressed are the use of variables, the concept of one-step versus multistep problems, and the importance of including all of the necessary information in a problem in order to solve it.-Materials:

  • Worksheets containing word problems
  • Pencils
  • Solution sheets
  • Chalkboard or whiteboard
  • Procedure:
  • Introduce the concept of word problems and the importance of including all of the necessary information in a problem in order to solve it.
  • Provide an example problem and have students work in teams to solve it.
  • Facilitate a class discussion and have students share their strategies for solving the problem.
  • Have students work on the worksheets, either individually or in teams

, and have them solve the problems on their own.

  • Facilitate a class discussion and have students share their strategies for solving the problems.
  • Provide any additional assistance as needed.Independent Practice
  • Provide students with a worksheet containing word problems for them to solve on their own.
  • Allow enough time for students to work through the problems and check their answers with the provided solutions sheet.
  • Facilitate a class discussion and ask students to share their strategies for solving the word problems.
  • Provide any additional assistance as needed.

-Notes to the teacher:

  • When teaching the concept of word problems, it is helpful to have a few examples of authentic word problems from a grade-level appropriate textbook.
  • When introducing the concept of solving for an unknown variable, it may be helpful to have a handout with examples of how to solve for different types of variables (e.g. x, y, z).
  • When introducing the concept of solving for multiple variables, it may be helpful to have a handout with examples of how to solve for multiple variables at once.
  • For the worksheet, it may be helpful to have a rubric that grades students on their use of strategies to solve the problems.

This lesson is designed to help students understand and use formulas to solve word problems. The

main concepts being addressed are the use of variables, the concept of one-step versus multistep problems, and the importance of including all of the necessary information in a problem in order to solve it.-Materials:

  • Worksheets containing word problems
  • Pencils
  • Solution sheets
  • Chalkboard or whiteboard
  • Procedure:
  • Introduce the concept of word problems and the importance of including all of the necessary information in a problem in order to solve it.
  • Provide an example problem and have students work in teams to solve it.
  • Facilitate a class discussion and have students share their strategies for solving the problem.
  • Have students work on the worksheets, either individually or in teams, and have them solve the problems on their own.
  • Facilitate a class discussion and have students share their strategies for solving the problems.
  • Provide any additional assistance as needed.Independent Practice
  • Provide students with a worksheet containing word problems for them to solve on their own.
  • Allow enough time for students to work through the problems and check their answers with the provided solutions sheet.
  • Facilitate a class discussion and ask students to share their strategies for solving the word problems.
  • Provide any additional assistance as needed.

-Notes to the teacher:

  • When teaching the concept of word problems, it is helpful to have a few examples of authentic word problems from a grade-level appropriate textbook.
  • When introducing

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