Divide Natural Numbers Lesson Plan for 5th Grade Example Students

Topic:Divide natural numbers

Objectives & Outcomes

  • Students will be able to divide natural numbers with up to four digits by single-digit divisors, using the strategy of "making it easier."
  • Students will be able to check their answers by multiplying them back by the divisor.


  • Paper and pencils
  • Rulers (optional)


Review the concept of division as splitting something into equal parts. Ask students to give examples of things that can be divided into equal parts, such as a cake, a piece of paper, or a trail.

  • Review the notation for division, which is "divide" symbolized by a slash ( / ). Ask students to give examples of numbers that can be divided by the number 2.

Direct Instruction

  • Explain that natural numbers can be divided by any other natural number. Ask students to give examples of numbers that can be divided by the number 3.
  • Introduce the concept of remainders. Ask students to give examples of numbers that cannot be divided by the number 3 without leaving a remainder.
  • Explain that when we divide a natural number by another natural number, we get a quotient (the number we divide by) and a remainder (the part left over).
  • Demonstrate how to divide a natural number by a natural number, using the division symbol and leaving a remainder.

Guided Practice

  • Give students a few pairs of natural numbers to divide, with the division symbol between them. Have them work in pairs to solve the problems, checking their work for accuracy and making sure they leave a remainder.
  • Pass around a few worksheets with division problems on them and have students work through the problems on their own, checking their answers for accuracy.
  • Have students work in pairs to solve a few more division problems, this time using a calculator to check their answers.

Independent Practice

  • Divide a natural number by a single-digit natural number, without using a calculator.
  • Divide a natural number by a two-digit natural number, without using a calculator.
  • Divide a natural number by a three-digit natural number, without using a calculator.
  • Divide a natural number by a four-digit natural number, without using a calculator.
  • Divide a natural number by a five-digit natural number, without using a calculator.
  • Divide a natural number by a six-digit natural number, without using a calculator.
  • Divide a natural number by a seven-digit natural number, without using a calculator.
  • Divide a natural number by a eight-digit natural number, without using a calculator.
  • Divide a natural number by a nine-digit natural number, without using a calculator.
  • Divide a natural number by a ten-digit natural number, without using a calculator.
  • Divide a natural number by a eleven-digit natural number, without using a calculator.
  • Divide a natural number by a twelve-digit natural number, without using a calculator.
  • Divide a natural number by a thirteen-digit natural number, without using a calculator.
  • Divide a natural number by a fourteen-digit natural number, without using a calculator.
  • Divide a natural number by a fifteen-digit natural number, without using a calculator.
  • Divide a natural number by a sixteen-digit natural number, without using a calculator.
  • Divide a natural number by a seventeen-digit natural number, without using a calculator.
  • Divide a natural number by a eighteen-digit natural number, without using a calculator.
  • Divide a natural number by a nineteen-digit natural number, without using a calculator.
  • Divide a natural number by a twenty-digit natural number, without using a calculator.
  • Divide a natural number by a twenty-one-digit natural number, without using a calculator.
  • Divide a natural number by a twenty-two-digit natural number, without using a calculator.
  • Divide a natural number by a twenty-three-digit natural number, without using a calculator.
  • Divide a natural number by a twenty-four-digit natural number, without using a calculator.
  • Divide a natural number by a twenty-five-digit natural number, without using a calculator.
  • Divide a natural number by a twenty-six-digit natural number, without using a calculator.
  • Divide a natural number by a twenty-seven-digit natural number, without using a calculator.
  • Divide a natural number by a twenty-eight-digit natural number, without using a calculator.
  • Divide a natural number by a twenty-nine-digit natural number, without using a calculator

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