Decimals Hundredth And Thousandth Numbers Lesson Plan for 5th Grade Students

Topic: decimals hundredth and thousandth numbers

Objectives & Outcomes

  • By the end of this lesson, students will be able to recognize, write, and compare decimals hundredth and thousandth numbers.


  • Whiteboard and markers
  • Decimals worksheets with examples
  • Calculator (optional)


  • Ask students to think of a number that has a fractional part, such as 1/2 or 3/4.
  • Have them share their ideas with a partner and discuss the significance of the fractional part.
  • Then, introduce the concept of decimals and explain that they are essentially fractions with a denominator of 100 or 1000.

Direct Instruction

  • Write the numbers 0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.4, and 0.5 on the board.
  • Ask students to identify the fractional part of each number.
  • Then, ask them to identify the decimal part by replacing the fractional part with a denominator of 100 or 1000.
  • Explain that the decimal point separates the whole number part from the fractional part.
  • For example, 0.1 = 0. + 0./100, and 0.2 = 0. + 0./100.

Guided Practice

  • Have students work in pairs to complete the following problems:

1. 0.3 = ___________

2. 0.4 = ___________

3. 0.5 = ___________

4. 0.6 = ___________

5. 0.7 = ___________

6. 0.8 = ___________

7. 0.9 = ___________

8. 1.0 = ___________

  • ---Ask students to share their work with a partner and check for accuracy.

Independent Practice

  • Have students complete the following problems:

9. 0.11 = ___________

10. 0.12 = ___________

11. 0.13 = ___________

12. 0.14 = ___________

13. 0.15 = ___________

14. 0.16 = ___________

15. 0.17 = ___________

16. 0.18 = ___________

17. 0.19 = ___________

18. 0.20 = ___________

19. 0.21 = ___________

20. 0.22 = ___________

  • ---Have students use a ruler to draw a line under each number to show tenths. Then have them estimate how many tenths each number is under the line. For example, 0.13 is estimated to be 3 tenths under the line. Have students share their estimates with a partner and check for accuracy.


  • Review the definitions of hundredth and thousandth and how to represent them as decimals.
  • Ask students to share something they learned about decimals during the lesson.


  • Observe students during the small group and independent practice activities to see if they are able to correctly solve the problems and explain their reasoning.
  • Collect and review the mathematical drawings and explanations from the independent practice activity to assess understanding.

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