4th Grade Decimal Numbers Lesson Plan (Math)

Topic: decimal numbers

Objectives & Outcomes

  • By the end of this lesson, students will be able to add and subtract decimal numbers with confidence and accuracy.


  • Calculator
  • Worksheets with examples of adding and subtracting decimal numbers


  • Review what a decimal number is and its place value.
  • Ask students to give examples of decimal numbers.
  • Write their answers on the board.

Direct Instruction

  • Show students a few examples of decimal numbers and have them identify the place value of each digit.
  • Ask students to identify the largest and smallest digits in each number.
  • Explain that when we add or subtract decimal numbers, we need to make sure that the numbers have the same place value.
  • For example, when adding 00.56 and 0.23, we need to make sure that the 5s are the same place value and the 0s are the same place value.
  • Show students how to use place value to add and subtract decimal numbers.
  • For example, when adding 00.56 and 0.23, we need to add the 6s and the 3s first, then add the 0s.
  • Write the answers on the board, using the place value chart to help.

Guided Practice

  • Give students a few practice problems to work on with guidance from the teacher.
  • Have students work in pairs or small groups and provide assistance as needed.
  • Ask students to explain their thinking and show their work on the place value chart.

Independent Practice

  • Provide additional practice problems for students to work on independently.
  • Encourage students to check their work and verify their answers with a partner or tutor.


  • Review the key concepts of addition and subtraction of decimal numbers.
  • Ask students to share any insights or questions they have about the topic.
  • Remind students to continue practicing these skills as they prepare for the state assessment.


  • Observe students during the independent practice activity and provide feedback on their ability to add and subtract decimal numbers.
  • Have students take a quiz on addition and subtraction of decimal numbers to assess their understanding of the concepts.

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