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Students will learn about the movement of shapes including transformation, rotation and reflection.
Students will be able to understand the place value system.
how students learn basic counting on and strategies or activities to support them
Students will be able to multiply using like and unlike denominators
excercies and examples
explaination and excersises
example: 0.2 ?20 , 12.3 ? 30 , 13.2 ? 2000
create Lesson Plan for 40 minutes on types of triangles according to the length of sides for 5th grade, using activities and interactive websites. use Bloom's Taxonomy.
problem solving: develop, select, and apply problem-solving strategies
Explain how place value is 10 times larger or 1/10 the value of the digit before or after, focusing on decimal place values up to thousandths. Also include some activities to reinforce this content along with videos
How to say and write numbers with decimals
Create a Food Truck, menu, appropriate food pricing, and advertising. They will then simulate selling menu items, calculate order costs, and give appropriate change.
numbers beyond 100000
You can round decimal numbers rounding rulestrategy
SOL 5.3 The student will a) identify and describe the characteristics of prime and composite numbers
In this lesson the student will be able to identify the concept of equivalent fractions, determine when two or more fractions are equivalent and obtain fractions equivalent to a given fraction.
Students can easily digest even the largest numbers after completing this exercise on place values up to the millions place.
I can add and subtract fractions with unlike denominators.
(1) LTSM (s): (NB: This lesson should reflect on integrating ICT in the classroom) Min: Five (3) (6) Lesson aims (on different cognitive levels) (10) At the end of the lesson the learner should be able to: Min: Five (5) Name, explain and motivate the teaching strategy that you are going to follow and apply. (3) Name, explain and motivate the teaching method that you are going to follow and apply. (3) Lesson phases Introduction that connects with prior knowledge and describes the purpose of the lesson (4) Development of content and connect with prior knowledge (4) Consolidation (4) Assessment during lesson (Questions to asked during the lesson and possible answers) Min: Five (3) (6) Homework (must connect with real life context). Min: Five (5) (10) Reflection: This is only done after you have presented the lesson. Reflect on teacher and learner activities. Were lesson aims reached? Was time sufficient? How will you adjust the lesson plan? Etc. (6)
solve linear equation
Concept of volume and capacity and decimal notation to 3 decimal places
Solving word problems using addition and subtraction
Write in tabluler formate
place value
explain matrix with formula and examples
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