Preposition Of Time

Topic: Preposition of time at, on and in

Objectives & Outcomes

  • Students will be able to identify prepositions of time at, on, and in and use them correctly in sentences.


  • Pictures of events taking place at different times of the day (e.g. sunrise, lunch time, dinnertime, bedtime)
  • Preposition cards with the prepositions at, on, and in
  • Writing paper and pencils/crayons


  • Ask the students if they know what a preposition is and give a brief explanation.
  • Ask the students to think of a time of day when they usually do certain activities and write their ideas on the board.
  • Ask the students to share their ideas and make a list of activities and the times of day when they usually do them.

Direct Instruction

  • Review the list of activities and times of day with the students.
  • Ask the students to identify which preposition (at, on, or in) is used to describe the time of day in each activity.
  • If necessary, provide examples to help the students understand the different meanings of the prepositions.

Guided Practice

  • Separate the students into small groups and give each group a set of the activities and times of day.
  • Have the students work together to identify which preposition is used to describe the time of day in each activity.
  • Encourage the students to use the examples provided to help them identify the correct preposition.
  • Have the students write the preposition they have identified on the line next to each activity.

Independent Practice

  • Have the students work independently to complete the activity sheet.
  • Encourage the students to use the examples provided to help them identify the correct preposition.
  • Have the students write the preposition they have identified on the line next to each activity.


  • Review the prepositions learned today: at, on and in.
  • Ask the students to give examples of each preposition and explain when we use each one.
  • Remind the students that it is important to use the correct preposition when talking about time.


  • Observe the students during independent practice to ensure they are using the prepositions correctly.
  • Collect the students' written work and review to assess their understanding of the prepositions of time.

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