
Topic: Prefixes


    1. Students will be able to identify common prefixes and understand how they change the meaning of a word.

      2. Students will be able to use prefixes to determine the meaning of unfamiliar words in context.

        National standards the lesson aligns with:

        • Common Core State Standards for ELA: L.4.4b, L.4.4c (Use common, grade-appropriate Greek and Latin affixes and roots as clues to the meaning of a word), L.4.4c (Consult reference materials, both print and digital, to find the pronunciation and determine or clarify the precise meaning of key words and phrases.)


        • Chart paper
        • Markers
        • Whiteboard
        • Dry erase markers
        • Index cards with common prefixes written on them
        • List of unfamiliar words with prefixes for guided practice
        • Project supplies for independent practice


          Ask students: "Have you ever come across a word that you didn't know the meaning of? How did you figure out what the word meant?" Allow students to share their experiences and strategies for determining word meanings.

            Direct instruction:

              1. Introduce the concept of prefixes and explain how they are added to the beginning of a word to change its meaning.

                2. Show examples of common prefixes (e.g. un-, re-, pre-) and the meanings they add to words.

                  3. Discuss how prefixes can help determine the meaning of unfamiliar words.

                    Guided practice:

                      1. Divide students into small groups.

                        2. Provide each group with a list of unfamiliar words with prefixes.

                          3. In their groups, students will work together to determine the meanings of the words based on the prefixes and discuss their findings.

                            4. Have each group share their answers with the class.

                              Independent practice:

                                1. Assign students a project where they will create a story or poem using at least five words with prefixes to demonstrate their understanding of how prefixes change the meaning of words.

                                  2. Encourage students to be creative and use a variety of prefixes in their writing.


                                      Ask students to share one new word they learned during the lesson that had a prefix. Have students explain what the prefix means and how it changed the meaning of the word.


                                          Observe students during the guided practice and independent practice activities to assess their understanding of prefixes and how they use them to determine word meanings. Additionally, review the projects students created to see if they are able to effectively use prefixes in context.

                                            Differentiation for students with special needs:

                                            • Provide visuals, such as pictures or drawings, alongside the unfamiliar words with prefixes to help visual learners grasp the concept better.
                                            • Offer sentence stems or sentence starters for students who may struggle with writing in the independent practice.
                                            • Provide additional support during guided practice by working one-on-one with students who need extra help.

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