5th Grade Plot Elements And Plot Diagram Lesson Plan (Language Arts)

Topic: Character Motivation and Character Traits

Objectives & Outcomes

  • Students will be able to identify character motivation and character traits in different movie scenes.
  • Students will be able to summarize what they saw using description (5 w’s).
  • Students will be able to express their reasoning on why the scene matched the plot element.


  • DVD or YouTube clips with scenes from different movies
  • Handouts with definitions and examples of plot elements and plot diagram
  • Index cards for writing


  • Show the students a clip from a movie and ask them to pay attention to the characters in the scene.
  • After the clip is over, ask the students to answer the following questions:
  • Who is the main character in the scene?
  • What is the character’s motivation?
  • What are some character traits that the character displays in the scene?
  • Write down their responses on the board.

Direct Instruction

  • Introduce the concept of plot elements to the students.
  • Name the different plot elements (ex. conflict, rising action, climax, resolution)
  • Use examples from the movie clips to demonstrate each plot element.
  • Have the students repeat the names of the plot elements after you have introduced them.

Guided Practice -Work in pairs.

  • Choose a movie clip and identify the plot element(s) present in the scene.
  • Summarize the scene using description (5 w


  • Express your reasoning on why the scene matches the plot element(s). Independent Practice
  • Choose a movie you have watched recently.
  • Identify the plot element(s) present in the movie.
  • Summarize the movie using description (5 w).
  • Express your reasoning on why the movie matches the plot elements.


  • Check for understanding by asking students to share their answers with a partner.
  • Check for understanding by presenting a different movie clip and asking students to identify the plot element(s) present in the scene.
  • Ask students to summarize the scene using description (5 w).
  • Ask students to express their reasoning on why the scene matches the plot element(s).
  • Provide additional resources, such as a class wiki, to allow students to continue their learning independently. Assessment
  • Ask students to create a plot diagram for a movie they have recently watched, using the steps listed in the lesson.
  • Check for understanding by presenting a different movie clip and asking students to identify the plot element(s) present in the scene.
  • Ask students to summarize the scene using description (5 w).
  • Ask students to express their reasoning on why the scene matches the plot element(s).
  • Provide additional resources, such as a class wiki, to allow students to continue their learning independently. Extension
  • Have students work in small groups to create a short presentation to teach classmates about a specific plot element.
  • Presentations can include a combination of spoken and written communication. Teacher Guided Practice -Provide an example of a plot diagram and review the steps needed to create one.
  • Encourage students to work in pairs and share their plot diagrams with each other.
  • Be available to answer questions and provide guidance as needed. Independent Practice -Assign a project for students to create their own plot diagram for a movie they have recently watched.
  • Provide additional resources, such as a class wiki, to allow students to continue their learning independently.


  • Check for understanding by presenting a different movie clip and asking students to identify the plot element(s) present in the scene.
  • Ask students to summarize the scene using description (5 w).
  • Ask students to express their reasoning on why the scene matches the plot element(s).
  • Provide additional resources, such as a class wiki, to allow students to continue their learning independently. Assessment
  • Ask students to create a plot diagram for a movie they have recently watched, using the steps listed in the lesson.
  • Check for understanding by presenting a different movie clip and asking students to identify the plot element(s) present in the scene.
  • Ask students to summarize the scene using description (5 w).
  • Ask students to express their reasoning on why the scene matches

the plot element(s).

  • Provide additional resources, such as a class wiki, to allow students to continue their learning independently. Extension
  • Have students work in small groups to create a short presentation to teach classmates about a specific plot element.
  • Presentations can include a combination of spoken and written communication. Teacher Guided Practice -Provide an example of a plot diagram and review the steps needed to create one.
  • Encourage students to work in pairs and share their plot diagrams with each other.
  • Be available to answer questions and provide guidance as needed. Independent Practice -Assign a project for students to create their own plot diagram for a movie they have recently watched.
  • Provide additional resources, such as a class wiki, to allow students to continue their learning independently.


  • Check for understanding by presenting a different movie clip and asking students to identify the plot element(s) present in the scene.
  • Ask students to summarize the scene using description (5 w).
  • Ask students to express their reasoning on why the scene matches the plot element(s).
  • Provide additional resources, such as a class wiki, to allow students to continue their learning independently. Assessment
  • Ask students to create a plot diagram for a movie they have recently watched, using the steps listed in the lesson.
  • Check for understanding by presenting a different movie clip and asking students to identify the plot element(s) present in the scene.
  • Ask students to summarize the scene using description (5 w).
  • Ask students to express their reasoning on why the scene matches the plot element(s).
  • Provide additional resources, such as a class wiki, to allow students to continue their learning independently. Extension
  • Have students work in small groups to create a short presentation to teach classmates about a specific plot element.
  • Presentations can include a combination of spoken and written communication. Teacher Guided Practice -Provide an example of a plot diagram and review the steps needed to create one.
  • Encourage students to work in pairs and share their plot diagrams with each other.
  • Be available to answer questions and provide guidance as needed. Independent Practice -Assign a project for students to create their own plot diagram for a movie they have recently watched.
  • Provide additional resources, such as a class wiki, to allow students to continue their learning independently.


  • Check for understanding by presenting a different movie clip and asking students to identify the plot element(s) present in the scene.
  • Ask students to summarize the scene using description (5 w).
  • Ask students to express their reasoning on why the scene matches the plot element(s).
  • Provide additional resources, such as a class wiki, to allow students to continue their learning independently. Assessment
  • Ask students to

create a plot diagram for a movie they have recently watched, using the steps listed in the lesson.

  • Check for understanding by presenting a different movie clip and asking students to identify the plot element(s) present in the scene.
  • Ask students to summarize the scene using description (5 w).
  • Ask students to express their reasoning on why the scene matches the plot element(s).
  • Provide additional resources, such as a class wiki, to allow students to continue their learning independently. Extension
  • Have students work in small groups to create a short presentation to teach classmates about a specific plot element.
  • Presentations can include a combination of spoken and written communication.

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