The Present Simple

Topic: How will student master the use of present simple ?

Objectives & Outcomes

  • By the end of this lesson, student will be able to use the present simple properly in their daily conversations.


  • Whiteboard and markers
  • Copies of the Present Simple Handout (one per student)


  • Ask the students to share what they know about the present simple. Write their answers on the whiteboard.
  • Explain that the present simple is used to talk about actions or events that happen in the present, usually at a certain time or regularly. For example, "I wake up at 6 am every day," "My sister plays the piano after school every day."

Direct Instruction

  • Review the structure of the present simple with the students, using the handout as a reference.
  • Introduce some common time expressions for the present simple, such as "every day," "now," "this week," "this month," etc.
  • Have the students practice using the present simple, either in pairs or as a class. Encourage them to use time expressions and give them time to check their answers with the handout.

Guided Practice

  • Divide the students into pairs and give each pair a set of cards with sentences written in the present simple.
  • Have the students take turns reading the sentences out loud to their partners and asking questions such as "What is he/she/it doing?" or "When is this happening?"
  • Have the students practice making sentences using the present simple on their own, using the sentences on the cards as a guide.

Independent Practice

  • Give each student a piece of paper and have them create a "Present Simple Fun-sters" by writing several sentences in the present simple and drawing a picture to go with each sentence.
  • Encourage the students to be creative and have fun with this activity.


  • Have the students share their "Present Simple Fun-sters" with the class.
  • Ask the students to explain their sentences and point out any unfamiliar words.
  • Review the present simple concepts covered in the lesson.


  • Observe the students during independent practice to assess their understanding of present simple.
  • Review the students' "Present Simple Fun-sters" to assess their ability to use present simple correctly.

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