5th Grade Summarizing Texts Lesson Plan

Topic: Summarizing Texts

Objectives & Outcomes

  • Students will be able to identify the key points in a text.
  • Students will be able to summarize text using their own words.


  • A selection of texts
  • Jigsaw cards with the key points from each text
  • Paper and pens/pencils


  • Review the concept of key points in a text and what they are. Ask students to give examples of a key point and how they would identify them in a text.
  • Have students work in pairs to read a short selection of text together and identify the key points.

Direct Instruction

  • Introduce the concept of the jigsaw method and how it is used to summarize texts.
  • Demonstrate how to identify key points in a text and how to re-organize them into a summary.
  • Explain the importance of maintaining the original meaning and logical order when summarizing texts.

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