5th Grade Prepositionalphrases Lesson Plan Example

Topic:Prepositional Phrases

Objectives & Outcomes

  • Students will be able to identify and define prepositions and prepositional phrases.
  • Students will be able to create prepositional phrases by using prepositions and nouns or pronouns in a sentence.


  • Whiteboard or blackboard and markers
  • Handouts with prepositions and prepositional phrases for examples


  • Ask students if they know what a preposition is.
  • Ask students to give examples of prepositions.
  • Write the prepositions on the whiteboard or blackboard and ask students to confirm if they are correct.

Direct Instruction

  • Introduce the term "prepositional phrase" and explain that it is a phrase that contains a preposition and its object.
  • Provide more examples of prepositions and their objects, and have students repeat after you.
  • Ask students to give examples of prepositions they use in their daily lives.

Guided Practice

  • Provide students with preposition and prepositional phrase worksheets or handouts.
  • Have students work in pairs to identify the preposition and its object in each phrase.
  • Have each pair share their answers with the class and explain their reasoning.
  • As a class, discuss any errors or confusing phrases that were discovered.

Independent Practice

  • Provide students with a list of prepositional phrases and have them identify the preposition and its object.
  • Encourage students to use context and grammar knowledge to support their answers.


  • Review the nature of prepositional phrases and how they can both add additional information to a sentence and create ambiguity.
  • Remind students of the importance of using context and grammar knowledge to properly interpret prepositional phrases.


  • Have students complete a written assessment in which they are given a series of sentences with prepositional phrases and must identify and correct any errors. This could also be done as a class activity, where students take turns reading a sentence and other students point out any errors. Alternatively, a listening or oral assessment could be given in which students must identify and correct any prepositional phrases in a series of spoken sentences.

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