Paragraphs In Informative Texts Lesson Plan for 5th Grade Example Students

Topic: paragraphs in informative texts

Objectives & Outcomes

  • Students will be able to organize the main ideas in a paragraph by using a guiding structure for the opening and closing sentences.
  • Students will be able to use transitions to connect main ideas within a paragraph and between paragraphs.


  • Examples of paragraphs in different genres (informative, narrative, expository)
  • Writing paper and pen/pencil


  • Ask students to share some examples of different genres of texts that they are familiar with (informative, narrative, expository).
  • Ask students to think about the different ways that these genres might be different (e.g. purpose, audience, style).
  • Have students brainstorm a list of words or phrases that they think might be useful in differentiating these genres.

Direct Instruction

  • Review the definition of a paragraph as a collection of related sentences that discusses a single main idea.
  • Discuss the purpose of paragraphs, which is to help readers understand and organize information.
  • Introduce the different types of paragraphs that might be found in informative texts, including descriptive, explanatory, and summary paragraphs.
  • Discuss the characteristics of each type of paragraph (e.g. descriptive paragraphs include detailed descriptions, explanatory paragraphs provide reasons or explanations, summary paragraphs summarize key points).

Guided Practice

  • Divide the class into small groups and provide each group with a set of informational text passages.
  • Have the students read the passages and identify the main ideas.
  • Have them create a list of sentences that support each main idea, and then group the sentences together to create a paragraph.
  • Have a few groups share their paragraphs with the class and discuss the overall structure and organization of the paragraphs.

Independent Practice

  • Have the students choose a topic of their own choice and find relevant informational text passages to use for a project.
  • Have them create a list of sentences that support their main idea and use it to create a paragraph.
  • Encourage the students to experiment with the overall structure and organization of their paragraphs.
  • Have the students present their project to the class, either orally or in writing.


  • Review the key concepts of paragraph writing, including the importance of having a main idea and supporting sentences, as well as the proper layout and formatting.
  • Ask the students to reflect on their own writing process and share any insights or challenges they experienced while creating their paragraphs.


  • Observe the students during independent practice and provide feedback on their paragraphs.
  • Have the students complete a written assessment, including multiple choice and short answer questions, to gauge their understanding of paragraph writing.

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