5th Grade Homes In Ancient Egypt. Lesson Plan Example

Topic: Homes in Ancient Egypt

Objectives & Outcomes

  • Students will be able to describe the different types of homes found in Ancient Egypt and explain why they chose a particular type of home.


  • Images of different types of homes in Ancient Egypt (e.g. houses, tombs, pyramids)
  • Colored pencils or markers
  • Construction paper
  • Writing paper


  • Ask students if they have ever visited a foreign country. What was different about the homes there?
  • Discuss the different types of homes found in Egypt today (e.g. houses, bungalows, apartment complexes).

Direct Instruction

  • Show students pictures of ancient Egyptian homes and discuss the differences between them and houses today.
  • Explain that ancient Egyptian homes were made out of mud, brick, and stone, and that they had flat roofs and windows with shutters.
  • Discuss the purpose of the different parts of the ancient Egyptian home (e.g. kitchen, sleeping quarters, storage).

Guided Practice

  • Have students work in pairs to draw a diagram of an ancient Egyptian home, including the different rooms and features.
  • Go over the diagrams as a class and have students explain the purpose of each room and feature.

Independent Practice

  • Assign each student to research and draw a diagram of the home of one of the famous Egyptians from history (e.g. Pharaoh Khufu, Queen Hatshepsut).
  • Have students share their diagrams with the class and explain the purpose of each room and feature.


  • Review the main points of the lesson: the different types of houses in Egypt and the purposes of each room and feature.
  • Ask students to share what they learned about ancient Egyptian houses and how they are different from modern houses.


  • Observe student participation during the discussion and group activity.
  • Review student presentations or written reports for understanding of the topic and accuracy of information.

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