4/5Th Grade Computer Science Triwizard Tournament Lesson Plan for 5th Grade Students

Topic: Coding with Scratch

Objectives & Outcomes

  • Students will be able to create a Scratch project that includes loops, nested loops, and variables.
  • Students will be able to create a Scratch project that includes a score keeping variable to track the points that each of the three wizarding schools have accumulated during the Triwizard Tournament.


  • Scratch software
  • Computers with Scratch installed
  • Handouts or a worksheet with instructions for creating a Scratch project


  • Begin the lesson by showing students a brief video or slide presentation about the Triwizard Tournament in the Harry Potter books and movies. Ask students to pay attention to the way that the points are tracked during the competition.
  • After the video, ask students to brainstorm ideas for how the points could be tracked in a computer science project using Scratch. Write their ideas on the board or a poster board.

Direct Instruction

  • Introduce the concept of loops in computer science, and explain how they can be used to create repetitive actions or animations in a project.
  • Show students how to create a loop in Scratch using the loop command.
  • Demonstrate how to create nested loops in Scratch, and explain how they can be used to create more complex actions or animations in a project.
  • Introduce the concept of variables in computer science, and explain how they can be used to track and manipulate data in a project.
  • Show students how to create and manipulate variables in Scratch.

Guided Practice

  • Have students work in pairs to create a simple Scratch project that includes a loop and variables.
  • Provide assistance and support as needed.

Independent Practice

  • Have students work on their own or in small groups to create a more advanced Scratch project that includes nested loops and multiple variables. Encourage students to be creative and have fun with their projects.


  • Have students share their Scratch projects with the class.
  • Review the key concepts learned during the lesson, including loops and variables.


  • Evaluate student's understanding of loops and variables through observation and discussion during the lesson.
  • Review and provide feedback on students' Scratch projects.
  • Have students complete a written reflection on their experience with the lesson and their understanding of loops and variables.

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