Free Art Final Project Lesson Plan for 5th Grade Students

Topic: Art Expo

Objectives & Outcomes

  • Students will be able to understand and apply the principles and elements of art in their art projects.
  • Students will be able to create a lesson plan for an art project that compiles all the Art principles and elements.
  • Students will be able to create an art project that showcases their understanding of the Art principles and elements.


  • Art projects created by the students (can be still-life, landscape, or figurative)
  • Handouts or slides with examples of the Art principles and elements
  • Art supplies for the students to use for their art project (can be pencils, paints, markers, etc.)


  • Have the students stand up and stretch.
  • Ask the students to think of an art work that they have seen before and share it with the class.
  • As a class, discuss the Art principles and elements that are present in the art work.

Direct Instruction

  • Introduce the topic of the art project, e.g. "How to Create a Collage" or "How to Make a Sculpture out of Clay."
  • Show the students the materials that they will be using for the art project, and discuss any special considerations, e.g. "We will be using glue to attach the pieces of paper to the canvas, but we must make sure to use a glue stick and not a glue bottle, as the bottle could leak and make a mess."
  • Go over the Art principles and elements that will be involved in the art project, e.g. "We will be using color and composition to create an interesting and eye-catching collage, and we will be using three-dimensional form and texture to give our sculpture a unique feel."
  • Demonstrate how to complete the art project, using the students as models if necessary.

Guided Practice

  • Have the students work in small groups, with each group having one instructor to provide guidance and one demonstrator to provide a model for the group.
  • Go over the Art principles and elements that will be involved in the art project, e.g. "We will be using color and composition to create an interesting and eye-catching collage, and we will be using three-dimensional form and texture to give our sculpture a unique feel."
  • Have the students work on the art project, with the instructor providing guidance and answered questions as they come up.
  • Have the students present their finished art projects to the class and explain the choices they made in terms of color, composition, form, and texture.

Independent Practice

  • Give the students time to work on their art projects independently.
  • Encourage the students to seek out additional guidance from the instructor or another student if they have any questions about their art project.
  • Monitor the students' progress and be available to answer any questions that they have.


  • Have the students present their art projects to the class.
  • Encourage the students to talk about their art projects and explain their designs and techniques.
  • Ask the students to reflect on their learning and discuss how they applied the Art principles and elements in their art projects.


  • Observe the students during the independent practice and provide feedback on their art projects.
  • Have the students complete a written reflection on their learning and application of the Art principles and elements in their art projects.

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