4th Grade Sending Data Over Internet Lesson Plan Example (Technology)

Topic: sending data over internet

Objectives & Outcomes

  • Students will be able to understand how data is sent over the internet, and how it is received and processed.


  • Computers with internet access
  • Handouts with examples of sending data over the internet


  • Show the students a website that they are familiar with, and ask them how they think the website is shown on their screens.
  • Introduce the concept of data being sent over the internet and how this process works.

Direct Instruction

  • Explain that the internet is a vast network of computers connected together.
  • Explain that when a user wants to access a website, their computer sends data over the internet to a server, which then displays the website on the user's screen.
  • Show the students how to open a web browser and type in a website address.
  • Explain that the data being sent over the internet is made up of individual letters, numbers, and symbols, called "characters."
  • Explain that the process of sending data over the internet and displaying it on a user's screen is called "rendering."

Guided Practice

  • Have the students open a web browser and type in a website address.
  • Point out the URL bar and explain that this is where the web browser gets the address of the website being viewed.
  • Have the students watch as you type a website address into the web browser and move to a different page or site.
  • Explain that as you move between different pages or sites, the web browser is sending data over the internet to the server hosting the website.
  • Show the students how to navigate to a different page or site using the back button on their web browser.
  • Have the students practice navigating between different pages or sites using the back button.

Independent Practice

  • Have the students work in pairs to create a simple web page using a web editor.
  • Encourage the students to include at least one image on their web page and to include a link to another website.
  • Have the students exchange web pages with their partner and verify that the pages load correctly.
  • Have the students submit their web pages for grading.


  • Review the key concepts of using a web browser to navigate the internet and using hyperlinks to navigate between web pages.
  • Ask the students to share any challenges or successes they had while creating their web pages.


  • Observe the students as they work on their web pages and provide feedback on their understanding of using hyperlinks to navigate between web pages.
  • Review the students' web pages to assess their ability to create a web page that includes at least two hyperlinks and works correctly.

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