
Topic: Fall

Objectives & Outcomes

  • Students will be able to identify characteristics of fall and explain why they enjoy this season.


  • Images of fall scenery (e.g. colorful leaves, falling leaves, trees with leaves changing colors)
  • Pencils and paper for each student
  • Poster board and markers


  • Review the concept of seasons and ask students to describe the different seasons and the things they do in each season.
  • Show the students the images of fall scenery and ask them to brainstorm what they see in the pictures. Write their ideas on the poster board.

Direct Instruction

  • Explain to the students that fall is the season that comes after summer and before winter.
  • Ask the students what is special about fall, and let them share their ideas. Write their ideas on the poster board.
  • Show the students the pictures of fall activities and ask them to identify what they see in the pictures. Write their answers on the poster board.

Guided Practice

  • Divide the students into small groups and give each group a set of fall-themed craft supplies.
  • Have the students use the craft supplies to create a fall art project, such as a collage or a fall-themed paper plate craft.
  • During the craft time, have the teacher or another adult circulate and assist the students as needed.

Independent Practice

  • Once the students have completed their fall art projects, have them share their projects with the rest of the class.
  • Encourage the students to discuss the similarities and differences between the projects and how they each represented fall in their own way.


  • Review the different things that happen during fall, such as cooler temperatures, falling leaves, and pumpkin spice lattes.
  • Ask the students to share one thing they enjoyed about fall and one thing they look forward to about winter.


  • Observe the students during independent practice and look for evidence of understanding of the vocabulary and concepts related to fall.
  • Collect and review the students' collages or dioramas to assess their understanding of the different things that occur during fall.

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