Free 4th Grade The Modernization Of Texas Lesson Plan (Social Studies)

Topic: The Modernization of Texas

Objectives & Outcomes

  • Students will understand how individuals, events, and issues shaped history of Texas from reconstruction through the beginning of the 20th century.
  • Students will be able to explain the roles of key people and factors such as technology, transportation, and industry in the modernization of Texas.


  • Maps of Texas from different time periods (preferably late 19th century and early 20th century)
  • Pictures of key individuals, events, and issues related to the modernization of Texas
  • Handouts with information and questions related to the modernization of Texas


  • Ask students to form small groups and give each group a map of Texas from a different time period (preferably late 19th century and early 20th century).
  • Have the groups look at the maps and see if they can identify any differences between the two maps.
  • After a few minutes, have each group share with the class any differences they noticed and what they think those differences might represent.

Direct Instruction

  • Pass out the handouts with information about the modernization of Texas and have students read through them as a class.
  • Use the maps as a visual aid to help explain what was happening during this time period in Texas and why these events and issues were important.
  • Ask questions to make sure that the students understand the information and make any necessary clarifications.

Guided Practice

  • Divide the class into small groups and give each group one of the individuals, events, or issues from the handouts.
  • Have the students work together to create a storyboard to describe how the individual, event, or issue impacted Texas during this time period.
  • Have each group present their storyboard to the class and allow time for questions and comments.
  • Record the individual, event, or issue that each group chose on the chart paper and have the class vote on the most impactful individual, event, or issue.

Independent Practice

  • Have the students work individually or in pairs to create a timeline poster that shows the major events that occurred during the modernization of Texas.
  • Give the students materials such as scissors, glue, and markers to use to create their timeline posters.
  • Have the students present their timeline posters to the class and allow time for questions and comments.


  • Review the main points of the lesson: the main events and people that shaped the history of Texas during the period of modernization.
  • Ask the students to share what they found most interesting or surprising about the lesson.
  • End the lesson by reminding the students that learning about history can help them to better understand the world around them.


  • Observe the students during the guided and independent practice activities to see if they are able to accurately complete the tasks and demonstrate understanding of the material.
  • Collect and review the students' presentations or posters to assess their understanding of the topic.
  • Give a quiz at a later date to assess retention of the material.

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