Free 4th Grade Write A Lesson Plan About Energy And Forces. Lesson Plan

Topic: Write a lesson plan about energy and forces.

Objectives & Outcomes

  • Students will be able to explain how the speed of an object is related to the energy of that object.


  • Balloons
  • String
  • Hangers or sticks
  • Pencils
  • Paper


  • Ask students if they have ever thrown a ball to someone. Ask them to describe what happened when the person caught the ball.
  • Ask the students if they have ever pushed a friend on a swing. Ask them to describe what happened when the swing pushed them back.
  • Ask the students if they have ever pushed a car. Ask them to describe what happened when the car pushed them back.

Direct Instruction

  • Introduce the topic of energy and forces. Explain that energy is the ability to do work, and that forces are the things that cause objects to move.
  • Show students the different objects (ball, swing, car) that were described in the warm-up activity. Ask them to predict how each object will behave when energy and forces are applied.
  • Apply energy and forces to the objects. For example, throw the ball to a student and have them catch it. Push the student on the swing and have them describe what is happening. Push the car and have the students describe what is happening.
  • Discuss the results of the activity with the class. Ask them to explain how the energy and forces caused the objects to behave the way they did.

Guided Practice

  • Divide the class into small groups. Give each group a different object to work with (e.g. a ball, a swing, a car).
  • Have each group apply energy and forces to their object, and then discuss the results with the class. Ask them to explain how the energy and forces caused the object to behave the way it did.
  • As a class, discuss any differences or similarities in the behavior of the objects. What can be learned from these similarities and differences?

Independent Practice

  • Have students choose one of the objects from the group activity and conduct a more detailed experiment on it.
  • Have students come up with a hypothesis about the relationship between energy and speed (e.g. more energy = faster speed).
  • Have students conduct the experiment and record the results.
  • Have students analyze the results and draw conclusions about the relationship between energy and speed.


  • Review the main points of the lesson (energy and speed are related, more energy = faster speed).
  • Ask students to share their thoughts about the experiment and what they learned from it.


  • Observe students during the guided practice and independent practice activities to assess their understanding of the concept.
  • Collect and review the class's experimental results to assess their ability to conduct and analyze a simple experimental
  • study.

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