Free The Layer Of The Soil Lesson Plan for 4th Grade Students

Topic: The Layer of the Soil

Objectives & Outcomes

  • Students will be able to explain the different layers of the soil and identify each one.


  • Drawing of a cross-section of the soil
  • Markers or crayons


  • Ask students if they have ever gone camping or hiking.
  • Ask them if they have ever stepped on uneven ground or into a puddle.
  • Ask them what they think might be in the ground beneath their feet.
  • Write the word "soil" on the board and ask students to give examples of what they might find in the soil.

Direct Instruction

  • Hand out the soil samples to the students and have them observe the different colors and textures.
  • Ask students to name the layers that they see in the soil samples.
  • Explain that there are actually four layers in soil: the top layer (or topsoil), the subsoil, the bedrock, and the substratum.
  • The topsoil is the layer that we can see and touch. It is made up of organic matter and contains many microorganisms and nutrients. It can be only a few inches thick or can be many feet thick, depending on how much organic matter is in the soil.
  • The subsoil is the layer below the topsoil. It is made up of less organic matter and contains fewer microorganisms and nutrients than the topsoil. It is also less porous than the topsoil, which means it is less able to absorb water.
  • The bedrock is the layer below the subsoil. It is the original bedrock that formed when the Earth was formed.
  • The substratum is the layer below the bedrock. It is made up of loose, unconsolidated materials that were pushed down by the overlying layers. It has no structure or organization and cannot support much life.

Guided Practice

  • Have students work in pairs to compare and contrast the topsoil and subsoil.
  • Ask students to list the differences and similarities between the two layers and explain their answers.
  • Encourage students to use their prior knowledge of soil and the differences and similarities they observed in the soil samples to support their answers.

Independent Practice

  • Have students choose one of the layers (topsoil or subsoil) and conduct a research project on that layer.
  • Students should discuss their findings with the class and present their research in the form of a poster or presentation.


  • Review the four layers of the soil and their characteristics.
  • Ask students to share their research projects and what they learned about the chosen layer.


  • Observe students during independent practice to check their understanding of the four layers of the soil and their characteristics.
  • Evaluate students' research projects and presentations for accuracy and completeness.

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