
Topic: Music and movment is used everyday to make us happy, relaxed and energized.

Objectives & Outcomes

  • Students will be able to explain how music and movment can make us happy, relaxed and energized.


  • Music
  • Movment exercises (e.g. dancing, jumping jacks, etc.)
  • Pictures of people listening to music, dancing, etc.


  • Have the students stretch and do some simple movment activities to get them energized and ready to learn.
  • Ask the students what music they like to listen to and why.
  • Ask the students if they like to dance and if they have any favorite dance moves.

Direct Instruction

  • Tell the students that music and movment are important parts of our daily lives.
  • Explain that we listen to music in our homes, in the car, at school, and in many other places.
  • Explain that movment can help us feel energized, relaxed, or even excited.
  • Demonstrate some simple dance moves and have the students copy you.

Guided Practice

  • Divide the students into small groups and give each group a set of simple music instruments.
  • Have the students play and move to the music together.

Independent Practice

  • Have the students create their own music by combining movement with their instruments.
  • Encourage the students to be creative and have fun with their music.


  • Have the students share their music with the class.
  • Discuss how the students used movement and music in their projects.


  • Observe the students during independent practice and give feedback on their use of movement and music in their projects.

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