Life Of Plant Lesson Plan for 4th Grade Students

Topic: Life of plant

Objectives & Outcomes

  • Students will be able to describe the different stages of a plant's life cycle and understand the relationship between stages.


  • Pictures of different stages of a plant's life cycle (e.g. seed, seedling, mature plant, fruit, seed)
  • Chart paper and markers


  • Ask the students if they have ever seen plants before.
  • Ask them to name some plants they know.
  • Ask them to think about how plants grow and how they change over time.

Direct Instruction

  • Show the students pictures of different types of plants at different stages of their life cycle, such as a seed, a seedling, a young plant, and a mature plant.
  • Ask the students to look at the pictures and tell you what they see.
  • Explain that all plants go through the same basic life cycle, which is also called the growth cycle or the germination cycle.
  • Tell the students that the first stage of the life cycle is germination, when a plant's seed starts to grow and sprout.
  • Explain that the second stage of the life cycle is growth, when a plant grows and matures.
  • Tell the students that the third stage of the life cycle is reproduction, when a plant may produce seeds or other parts that can grow into new plants.
  • Explain that the fourth and final stage of the life cycle is decay, when a plant dies and decomposes.
  • Ask the students if they have any questions about the life cycle of plants.

Guided Practice

  • Divide the students into pairs or small groups, and give each group a seedling to care for.
  • Tell the students that their job is to care for their seedling and monitor its growth and development.
  • Give the students a worksheet with questions about their seedling's growth and development, such as "What stage is my seedling in?," "What does my seedling look like?," and "What will my seedling grow into?."
  • Have the students work together to answer the questions and fill in the worksheet.
  • Ask the students to present their seedlings and their worksheets to the class.

Independent Practice

  • Give the students a worksheet with a timeline of the general cycle of plant's life.
  • Have the students identify the stages of the cycle that their seedlings have gone through and fill in the timeline.
  • Encourage the students to share their seedlings with the class and explain their answers to the questions on the worksheet.


  • Review the main points of the lesson: the general cycle of plant's life and the stages of the cycle for seedlings.
  • Ask the students to share something they learned or found interesting about seedlings.


  • Observation of the students during the guided and independent practice activities.
  • Collect and review the student's drawings or models of seedlings for understanding the main points of the lesson.
  • Ask the students a written question about the seedling's life cycle, for example: "What is the first stage of the seedling's life? What is the last stage? Where does the seedling go after it dies?"

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