Harry Potter Ngss Animal Adaptations And Magizoology Lesson Plan for 4th Grade Students

Topic: Harry Potter and Fantastic Beasts Magizoology and Animals Adaptations

Objectives & Outcomes

  • Understand the concept of animal adaptations, including behavioral and structural
  • Identify and compare and contrast real animals with magical creatures from Harry Potter and Fantastic Beasts
  • Explore the similarities and differences between Magizoology and Biology


  • Harry Potter or Fantastic Beasts materials (books, movies, etc.)
  • Real animal pictures or videos
  • Magical creature pictures or videos
  • Handouts with information about real animals and magical creatures
  • Writing materials (pen/pencil, paper)


  • Have the students work in pairs to match a real animal with its adaptation. Example: "This animal lives in the water and has a streamlined body, a flat tail and webbed feet. Match it with the real animal it is adapted from. ___________."
  • Have the students work in small groups to match a magical creature with its adaptation. Example: "This magical creature is able to fly and has sharp claws and wings. Match it with the magical creature it is adapted from. ___________."

Direct Instruction

  • Introduce the topic of animal adaptations and Magizoology.
  • Show the students the handouts with real animals and their adaptations. Go over each adaptation and explain how it helps the animal survive in its environment.
  • Explain that Magizoology is the study of magical creatures.
  • Show the students the handouts with magical creatures and their adaptations. Go over each adaptation and explain how it helps the creature survive in its environment.
  • Compare and contrast the real animals and magical creatures, noting similarities and differences.

Guided Practice

  • Divide the students into small groups and assign each group a real animal and a magical creature.
  • Have the students research their assigned animal/creature and create a Venn diagram comparing and contrasting the two.
  • Have each group present their Venn diagram to the class.

Independent Practice

  • Have the students work in groups to create their own fictional animal.
  • Have the students research animal adaptations and create a written description of their fictional animal's behavior and physical characteristics that reflects these adaptations.
  • Have the students create a drawing or model of their fictional animal's physical characteristics.
  • Have the students present their project to the class.


  • Review the main points of the lesson and have the students share something they learned about animal adaptations and Magizoology.
  • Discuss any questions or concerns the students have about the lesson.


  • Observation during the independent practice and the students ability to demonstrate their understanding via their independent practice project.
  • Written reflection on the lesson (what they learned, any difficulties they had, etc.)
  • Class participation (participating in discussions, asking questions, etc.)

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