4th Grade Concepts About Adaptive Organisms Lesson Plan (Science)

Topic: Adaptive organisms

Objectives & Outcomes

  • Students will be able to explain how organisms adapt internally and externally to environmental changes.


  • Pictures of different types of organisms (e.g. plant, animal, human)
  • Examples of internal and external adaptations (e.g. lungs for breathing, feathers for insulation, eyes for vision)
  • Chart paper and markers


  • Show the pictures of different organisms and ask the students to guess what adaptations each one has to survive in its environment.
  • Write their answers on the chart paper and make a list of adaptations they mentioned.

Direct Instruction

  • Introduce the concept of adaptation and explain that it is the process by which an organism changes over time to survive in its environment.
  • Show the pictures of the different organisms again and explain how they have adapted to their environment through internal and external changes.
  • For internal changes, discuss how organs and body systems can change over time to meet the needs of the organism in its environment.
  • For external changes, discuss how an organism can change its appearance or behavior to adapt to its environment.

Guided Practice

  • Divide the class into small groups and give each group one of the organisms shown in the pictures.
  • Have the students work together to brainstorm ways in which the organism has adapted to its environment. Encourage them to think about both internal and external changes.
  • Have each group present their ideas to the class and general1y discuss as a group.

Independent Practice

  • Give each student a sheet of paper and a pencil.
  • Ask them to think about one of the organisms they have studied, and to draw a picture of it showing one way in which it has adapted to its environment.
  • Ask them to write a few sentences explaining their drawing.


  • Review the main points of the lesson, emphasizing the importance of adaptation for survival and reproduction in a changing environment.
  • Ask the students to share their drawings and explanations with the class.


  • Observe the students during the observation and independent practice activities to assess their understanding of key concepts about adaptive organisms.
  • Collect and review the students' drawings and explanations to assess their ability to explain how organisms adapt internally and externally to environmental changes.

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